Tuesday, September 12, 2017

New North Korean Sanctions by the UN - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This blog has stated that either the Trump Oval would appease North Korea or go to WAR, well now we have the answer, the Trump like previous Presidents has decided to appease. China will never allow North Korea to go under, it is afraid of refugees coming over it border from North Korea.   The US should have placed on blockade on North Korea, force is the only action that NK understands.   There will be conflict with North Korea, it is just a matter of time, Neville Chamberlain must be smiling from above, another leader who has appeased a growing threat. 

The Brexit Bill - 2nd Reading - Post Brexit Vote

Lets Get Real:

The fighting in the trenches for the Brexit Bill will come over the next few months, the stubborn remainers in both the Conservative Party and Labour Party will try to thwart the will of the British people.  PM May has a solution to one of her problems, she can threaten to nominate Brexit Peers to the House of Lords, that would be the will of the British people, should their Lordships try to cause problems.   The next few months we are going to see big fights as the House of Commons goes through the Bill, line by line.   The Labour Party will try to attract rebel Conservative remainers to come to their side, the PM has to make it clear if the Government is defeated over something important there will be a General Election that Jeremy Corbyn could well win.