Sunday, October 05, 2008

2008 = 1976 ?

The Weekly Standard: Argues that McCain could be another President Ford, coming from behind and winning while Ford lost in 1976 to Jimmy Carter by a narrow margin. The Strategy as in 76, can the country risk on the job training, use the negatives that are out there already, Liberal, Arrogant, lack of record as a Senator. It has to pointed out that President Ford had a tough primary fight against Ronald Reagan, the fight went up to the convention, McCain had weeks while the Democrats fought between themselves. Also Ford was President, he has Air Force One, that helps a candidate in a right race. Obama has many aspects of Jimmy Carter, another politician who came out of nowhere but there are differences, Carter when placed by Ford was a great on the stump speech while Ford was not, in the 2008 race, Obama is great with the crowd if not when in small groups. Ford had bad conditions, Vietnam, Watergate and a economic mess but nothing like the economic 9/11 of the past few days. All Obama has to do is keep the agenda on the economy and if that works he will win the Presidency.

Obama and the Terrorist

The gloves have come off, Obama if the Polls are right is going to win but lets not make it to easy for the Obama crowd. Watch my Political Ad on Obama and his Terrorist Friend.

Obama and the Domestic Terrorist

The New York Times: The LIBERAL Times reports the following on the Obama - Ayers relationship, " A review of records......... and interviews with a dozen people who know both men, suggest that Mr. Obama,..has played down his contacts with Mr. Ayers,..." The Times of course then goes in to commentary, it cant help itself, Obama and Ayers didn't know each other well, at the start of Obama's political career, Ayers was one of the power barons that Obama had to toff his hat to as to get elected. The Times does not mention this fact. Also that Obama has not supported the left wing views of Ayers, but what does the Times not say is that Obama went to a radical church with a radical pastor.

No WIN in Afghanistan !

BBC News: Reports on the comments of the UK's Commander in Helmand Province, Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith, the Brigadier has the view that the West cant win in Afghanistan and we should talk to the Taliban. I think the Brigadier Carleton - Smith should keep his views to himself, this is in the same vain as the views as reported in the French Press of the British Ambassador in Kabul. The British Army and Foreign Office have to learn that sometimes you have to fight to win, these comments don't help the West and give good material to the terrorists to work their propaganda on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The head of the Army and the Foreign Secretary need to have a strong but quite word, the message has to be sent out, SHUT UP. There is an old WW2 line, lose talks sinks ships, well this helps the terrorists and the Taliban. The Elite of both the Army and Foreign Office need to learn one lesson, if you disagree with policy resign, if you don't want to resign SHUT UP.

Obama's Terrorist Friend

BBC News: Reports that Governor Palin, the Republican nominee for VP, has gone after the terrorist friend of Senator Obama, Mr William Ayers, the founder of the domestic terrorst group the Weather Underground. I wonder if the electronic and print media will even mention this story, they are in the tank for Obama.

My Posts on this subject.:

April 13, 2008.

Sunday Times: Has a very interesting article on the friendship between Obama and a former terrorist, William Ayers of the The Weathermen terrorist group. Fox News has bee on this for a while, the print media always lag behind Fox, now the Sunday Times, the paper of record for the UK has run the story, the elite media in the USA will at least have to ask Obama about the this terrorist. It should be noted as Craig Shirley does in his book that this group, firebombed the house of Ronald Reagan and stated they had a bullet for him, as Ayers was part of the Weatherman, the press should ask Obama did he know that The Weatherman wanted to harm Reagan, a great President, has he asked and rebuked Ayers for the actions of this group. Come on Press get your finger out and ask the hard questions.