Friday, June 04, 2021

Donald Trump OFF Facebook in till 2023 - How the might have FALLEN

Lets Get Real:

This will be a blow to the Donald, he will not be able to post on Facebook in till 2024, this might be bad, but if he runs in 2024 there is no way FACEBOOK can keep the suspension, it will be seen as playing for the other side, and what if the Donald wins AGAIN, not good for Facebook in D.C. It will be interesting to see how much of role the Donald will play in the 2022 Mid Terms, are his candidates successful, do the Republicans take the House and retake the Senate.   The next two years will be interesting, the Mid Terms will define the Biden Presidency, does he become a lame duck President or can he keep both Houses Democratic.  The fun starts in a few months time.

UK's New Trade Deals - Post Brexit

 Sorry for the lack of blog posts, nothing really got my attention in till NOW

BBC News: Reports " The UK has signed a post-Brexit trade deal with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, the government has announced.  "

Lets Get Real:

This shows that the UK can be a big player in TRADE, the constraints of the EU have gone, the UK in short order will be doing deal with members of the Commonwealth, such as Australia, this will show that the UK does not NEED or WANT the EU.  This will go down badly with the hard Remainers, and they are still about in the House of Commons and the ELITE MEDIA, try watching BBC NEWS and SKY NEWS.   One hopes that the new news channel does not go the way of the Remainers.   The UK should try to do a deal with all the the Commonwealth and the US, it will take time but it is worth the effort.   This is what the UK voter voted for in 2016 and 2019.