Telegraph: Reports on the options faced by the Oval when it comes to Syria, they are " the opposition, long-range strikes, a no-fly zone, creating rebel buffer zones and commando raids to secure chemical weapon stocks. ".
Lets Get Real:
The US Army is creating options for the Oval but the price is almost like throwing yourself off a cliff, the reluctance to ACT is a common mind set of the US Military, in the first Gulf War 1 the Pentagon tried to frighten the Oval with the costs of the War, after Vietnam the US Officer Core does not want to be left with an unpopular WAR, thus the fact of the Army of late in Iraq and Afghanistan. The decision NOT TO TAKE ACTION, is also a political choice, if the Oval does not take action this will send the signal to Iran that it can go nuclear with no comeback from the US, this would mean that Israel would have to ACT, thus a regional WAR, thus what ever the Oval does its a lesser evil choice, and even that could be a disaster. The US needs to set a no fly zone in Syria, take out the planes and chemical weapons of Assad and create a buffer zone on the Jordan and Turkish borders, this will be a great risk folks, well President Obama wanted the job.