Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mr President Good Call - No Release of Detainee Mistreatment Pics

Fox News: Reports that President Obama will block the release of pictures of the mistreatment of Detainees. This is a wise move by the President, this blog has been very critical of Obama when it comes to Foreign Policy, but in this case a nod of the hat to the President. The release of these pics could have cost the deaths of USA and UK Armed Forces Personnel. Lets be very clear on this, those that mistreated detainees should be investigated and tried and then thrown in to a cell for a long time. But while the UK and the USA is still in Afghanistan and Iraq we don't need that level of bad publicity. If the US Supreme Court should force the issue the President should state that they will be released when the Justices turn up in the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and release the pics with no security. That should shut them up for a while, or longer.

Will the Army of Pakistan finish the Taliban, the End in sight for the Taliban

Telegraph: Reports that Army of Pakistan is to open a second front in Waziristan, the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. This second front in the Tribal badlands could decide if Pakistan will remain a secular state. The past history of conflict between the Army and Tribal groups in the area is not good, this area have never been under Islamabad control. The USA and the UK should come up from the Afghanistan and then the Army of Pakistan should meet them on the border, the Taliban/Terrorists/Tribal fights should be killed in this crunch. Also the Obama Administration should have a heavy use of Killer Drones to attack the Taliban in this region. Also US Special Forces and the SAS should be in the region, getting the latest info and plotting targets to attack. If the Army of Pakistan fails in Swat and in the Tribal badlands the Taliban could take over Pakistan. On a lighter note, folks who recall the great film The Man Who would be King should recall that it was this region that was the background for the film.

Taliban Threat to Political Ellite of Pakistan

CNN News: Reports that the Taliban of the Swat Valley have threatened the Political leaders from the area, they want resignations or they will be arrested. This is should show the political elite of Pakistan, that what ever divisions there is between themselves, the biggest threat to them is the Taliban. The Taliban are quite bonkers but more important they are very dangerous, they have to culled or their poison could destroy Pakistan and Western Security.

The Battle for the Swat Valley Part Two

Fox News: Reports on the on going fight between the Army of Pakistan and the Taliban/Terrorists in the Swat Valley. This battle is taking to long, to many innocent people are either getting displaced or killed. The Army of Pakistan has to move its major force from the border between India and Pakistan and to the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The gradual approach could turn the civic population against the government, this is the time to go in mob handed, clear or kill the Taliban/Terrorists from Swat. Then take the gradual approach in the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The US should already have special forces in Pakistan on the border, they have to prevent or cause problems to the Taliban in bringing support to those in the Swat Valley. If this Internal War takes to long it could place Pakistan in the hands of the Taliban/Terrorists. Also those displaced have to be taken care off, also those stuck in Swat have to gotten out, you don't get support if you launch missiles that kill the innocent. This is tricky folks.

Death in Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports that another UK Soldier has died of his wounds inflicted in Afghanistan. Thus the death total of those killed in combat now stands 129. Another 29 have died due to accidents, illness or other indicants. Thus after a month of no deaths we have lost five soldiers, and we haven't even started on the run up to the Presidential Election of August yet, the Taliban/Terrorists are expected to cause havoc in that period. This is why an EXIT ROUTE is required in Afghanistan.