Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mr President Good Call - No Release of Detainee Mistreatment Pics

Fox News: Reports that President Obama will block the release of pictures of the mistreatment of Detainees. This is a wise move by the President, this blog has been very critical of Obama when it comes to Foreign Policy, but in this case a nod of the hat to the President. The release of these pics could have cost the deaths of USA and UK Armed Forces Personnel. Lets be very clear on this, those that mistreated detainees should be investigated and tried and then thrown in to a cell for a long time. But while the UK and the USA is still in Afghanistan and Iraq we don't need that level of bad publicity. If the US Supreme Court should force the issue the President should state that they will be released when the Justices turn up in the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and release the pics with no security. That should shut them up for a while, or longer.

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