Friday, August 24, 2012

The Romney Convention Speech - 2012 Race

Guardian: Reports on the forthcoming Romney Speech at the Republican National Convention, the article states that Romney needs to do a Bush 41, " George Bush Sr, with a reputation, like Romney, of being an uninspired speaker, was under similar pressure to perform...".

Lets Get Real:

The Romney Camp have to accept that Governor Mitt Romney is no Obama when it comes to making speeches, he should not even try, he is not folksy either like Bush 43, he should make the speech simple and to the point, tell the US voter how a Romney Administration would bring the US back from recession, he has worked in the private sector, thus knows the ups and downs, unlike Obama. That he wants a strong US, with a good defence, the Obama Administration wants to cut defence spending. That a Romney would repeal ObamaCare and be an economic hawk like Reagan and also follow the Reagan in making the US a shinning City on a Hill again. The Republicans need to keep it simple and professional, the fancy rhetoric of Obama is wearing thin on the US voter, be yourself Governor Romney.

Limited No Fly Zone for Syria - France

Telegraph: Reports that the French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has called for a limited no fly in Syria, the fly zone would cover areas under the control of the rebels.

Lets Get Real:

This could be another Libya folks, France, the UK and Turkey provide the air cover while POTUS leads from behind. If this policy develops it could cause problems for President Obama and PM Cameron. The idea for the no fly zone is that it would happen outside the authority of the UN, the US left would go bonkers, the Liberal Democrats in the UK could walk out of the UK Coalition Government. Thus in less we hundreds or even thousands killed every day this blog has it doubts that the US or the UK will move. Of course should the Assad Regime use chemical weapons on its people or transfer them to its terrorists allies the West from reports in the UK Times has Special Forces in the region to take out these WMD's. The Syrian Civil War is close to a tipping point folks, this can not go forever, its causing problems for the neighbour countries, with refugees and the fight in Syria crossing the border, thus in the future the West might have no choice but to act folks, watch this space.

Greece and the EU

BBC News: Reports that Antonis Samaras the Greek PM has asked for a two year breathing space from the EU when it comes to the austerity package for Greece.

Lets Get Real:

The German Government for its own future would be MAD to agree to any more Greek requests, what ever the Greeks promise when it comes to reform it will not happen, they are playing the clock, they idea being the longer the EU does not throw Greece out then it will be harder when the times comes. The Greek public sector is to powerful, there are political and union interests in slowing down the process, the Germans should say we tried, the Greeks have failed, and do not let the door hit you on the way out. This Greek economic crisis seems like a Time Loop, never ending, the same issue, the same problems and no resolution just endless political fudges. The Greek gift is the destruction of the Euro, time to bite the head of the snake and smash that Greek gift.