Tuesday, November 28, 2017

57 Billion to the EU - The Shame of the British Government - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The HARD BREXIT MPs of the Conservative Party should reject this blackmail of a deal.  In essence we are giving EU neary 60 billion pounds just for a trade deal.   That sixty billion could have helped with a HARD BREXIT, this is nothing more than appeasing the moaning remainers of the Conservative Party and half of the Labour Party.   One can only hope that Conservative MPs call for PM May to go if this is the best she can come up with in talks with the EU.  The LEFT WING media, as is the Guardian and BBC News will be overjoyed, they can suckle again at the chest of the EU, while the rest of the UK has to go through austerity.  IF the PM was tough she would walk away with honour and tell the EU to get stuffed and force Labour to vote to give 60 billion to the EU, this is shameful day for the UK. 

Hillary Clinton on the North Korean Crisis - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

This easy for HRC to be critical of President Trump, if she had won in 2016 would she be so easy on North Korea, the first woman POTUS, one has doubts.   It could be that HRC is thinking of running again in 2020, this time as more of a LEFT WING candidate, what else left for her to do, my suggestion that she run for the House seems to have fallen on deaf ears.   The Oval Office should no nothing with North Korea, this is just NK wanting attention, if you give them that they will make money demands, as they have in the past.   The Oval Office should only react if North Korea launches a missile that gets close to Guam or the mainland US.  One last reason that the Oval Office should react should NK test a above ground nuclear missile, that would be a stark escalation, the best thing to do is just ignore North Korea. 

North Korea FIRES Missile - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This is North Korea showing off and wanting to get attention back on itself, it looks from early reports that it could have gone over Japan but there is no confirmation.   As long as no missiles are in range of Guam the rest of the World can rest easy.   Any perceived attack on Guam, thus the US would see the US react.   This is a developing story:

Trump and the US Congress - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

POTUS is playing to his base, he wants any Government closed down to be the fault of the Democrats, he knows that the bases wants TAX CUTS not TAX INCREASES, the Democrats always want to increase taxes, Bush 41 promised no new taxes in 1988 and then folded once in power, this cost him his re-election in 1992.   The Oval has to try and get the Republicans in the Senate to pass a tax cut, that would be a great victory.

The Republicans are always on safe ground when they support tax cuts, limited government and being tough on Russia, on this last part the Trump Oval is far to nice to the Russians, whatever the reason.  One does wonder if the old FSB, the successor to the KGB has anything on Trump, otherwise why is POTUS so nice to the Russians.

HRC needs something TO DO!! - Post 2016 Election

Lets Get Real:

I must admit in advance that supported HRC vs. Donald Trump, the first time this blog has ever supported the Clintons, and was shocked at the result, even if my political gut made me place  a £5 bet on the Donald winning.  Also I have bought the book " What Happened " as my Christmas read.   HRC should think about running for the House in 2018, something for her to do, IF she has any thought of running for the Presidency in 2020 someone needs a quiet word with her, she is a very talented lady, she could do a lot of good work in the House.   The Charity idea might not be a good idea, the Clinton Foundation caused her problems, also people and countries gave money on the idea that HRC would win in 2020, a new charity would not have that problem.  HRC might become a President of a Univeristy, something like that, it would be loss to politics if HRC went quiet. 

US Presidential Election in 2020 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus the endless cycle of the American Presidential election starts now, expect POTUS to target Warren a lot, the view from the Oval is that Warren or Sanders will be the leading candidates for the Democratic nominee, that surly is the sole reason that this news was the main story on NBC News.    The Democratic Party of Bill Clinton has gone VERY LEFT, the voters in the Democratic Primaries are on the left, and they think their candidate was robbed in 2016 by the Democratic elite, thus this time they will want a left wing candidate, that would be a disaster for the Democrats, that kind of candidate will fail badly in the rust belt States.   Also we have the 2018 Mid Terms, the Democrats should take the House and the Senate after the failure of Trump to ge this agenda through this year, if they fail in that then they will have a hard time in 2020.

President Trump and Roy Moore - Senate Seat Race

Lets Get Real:

At least POTUS is showing some decency by not campaigning for Judge Roy Moore, the Judge has various sexual allegations against him by women who you tend to believe.   The Trump Oval should have forced Moore out when it had the chance, the President has his own sexual allegations, that is not a reason for not doing anything.  One can only hope that the good people of Alabama write in a Republican name do or do not vote.    The politics of the US has become very partisan, that is no reason for there not to be decency in US public life.