Guardian Live - Netherlands: Reports the Budget Crisis in the Netherlands, it has the following line, the PM of the Netherlands “.. it's not the support he needs for the budget - which needs to be delivered to Brussels in a few days... ”.
Lets Get Real:
Think about this folks, a Sovereign Country needs to get approval from Brussels for its Budget, that the EU could say NO, and even fine that Country if it does not like the Budget. The EU Elite if they are careful might find they get the boot, the downfall of so many EU Governments has shown that the voter is not buying the German idea of how to get a successful economy, that is cutting spending. The Welfare State as noted many times in this blog could kill the EU. The general population of the EU since 1945 has been bought up wit the idea that the State will take care of its Citizens from birth to death, the problem is that its very success is killing the golden egg, the vastly improved health services means that people live longer, people don’t have to retire, thus less jobs for younger people, then we come to the bankers, they were the final nail in the coffin of the EU. It will fall folks, there is to much debt, its just a matter of time.