Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lets Not Forget Greece - Euro Crisis

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports in its 10.45am post of this morning that the Greek economy will contract by 5% this year not as expected 4.5%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we have seen the 1st round loss of President Sarkozy in France, the Netherlands Government has fallen, the Markets go up and down with no real logic. The central question is what is Germany going to do, the common view is that Germany should back the development of Euro bonds, the term back means to underwrite folks. Thus in essence Germany would be on the hook for the debt of Europe. That has not gone down well in Berlin, the other solution is for there to be a Central European Government, a real Government with a President, Cabinet, the ability to raise taxes etc. That wont get through in many EU Countries. Thus folks we are left with one option, the Euro has to be scrapped, the problem as often stated that it would cause havoc, lets GET REAL HERE, how many Governments need to fall before the EU Elite get the message, its OVER. The Euro dream is turning in to nightmare, and the winners are the extreme left and right. Before Europe repeats the mistakes of the 1930s it has to bite the bullet, admit the Euro dream is dead and create a new system, otherwise it will destroy itself.

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