The New York Times: Reports on the expected nullification of the Iran deal by President Trump, " By declining to certify Iran’s compliance, Mr. Trump would essentially kick it to Congress to decide whether to reimpose punitive economic sanctions. Even among Republicans, there appears to be little appetite to do that, at least for now. "
Lets Get Real:
Thus it starts by the liberal press, they are stating that President Trump is weak by throwing the issue to the US Congress, as stated Democrats will defend the deal, let's be honest here, its the only net plus of the Obama Foreign Policy. On the other hand the Israeli Lobby can be expected to place pressure on Republicans to place sanctions back on Tehran and to threaten sanction on other countries who deals with the Iran. The US banking system will not want to risk its money going to Iran and then a problem either with Europe getting it back or the US playing hardball. One can NOW expect the liberal media and paper press to state that the deal is the best thing since Munich, that is joke by the way. The base of the Trump support will be happy, the elite liberal establishment will do its nut.