Telegraph: Reports the following from Washington D.C, " As Hillary Clinton deliberates on whether to run for president in 2016 a new book paints the Clintons as vindictive and raises ugly memories of desertions and betrayals in the 2008 campaign ".
Lets Get Real:
Do the US voters want another Nixon in the White House, the above story sounds very Nixon, the Crown was there for the taking by Hillary Clinton but she lost to President Obama, the Clintons never forgive, and the use of the race card on Bill Clinton is something one can understand the lack of forgiveness for, Bill Clinton was seen as the 1st black President, and for the Obama Campaign to use the race card must have hurt Bill Clinton, also long term friends got on the USS Obama and left the Clintons on the shore, Hillary Clinton was made Secretary of State, and President Obama tried to get on with Bill for a limited time, just he didn't need the constant talks. Bill Clinton likes to talk, as President he was never on time, correction, when he was sworn in as President. Fun time ahead for Americans, will Hillary run, will she win, and what will the Old Dog do in the White House.