Thursday, November 05, 2020

Can the UK afford an extension of the Furlough Scheme ? - Magic Money Tree

Guardian: Reports "  Chancellor expected to extend furlough beyond December....Climbdown comes amid mounting pressure on Rishi Sunak to safeguard jobs during second wave of Covid-19  "

Lets Get Real:

This is getting ridicules, the UK is trillions in debt due to COVID - 19, the UK Government has had a 2nd lockdown, it must work this time, the Chancellor after either the 2nd lockdown or after a vaccine for the virus is found, will have to cut welfare and other Government Departments or hike taxes, in a near depression that is BAD IDEA.  At some point the UK will just have to rough it through, no more lockdowns, no more different levels in the regional governments, spend money on the NHS to help the patients but allow business to OPEN even the pubs and just take the hit.   In 1918 the UK Government had to deal with World War One and the Spanish flu, they did not close the Country down, they just rode the wave and the flu ended, the UK might have to do Sweden, just rough it for a while, whatever the the death total.

If the US Senate stays Republican and the Biden Oval ? - US Politics

Lets Get Real:

The BIG Democrats donners will not be happy, the Democrats banked in millions to take the Senate and keep the House in Democrat hands, if the Republicans can keep the Senate, its not over in till its over, then the Democrats and Republicans will have to work together or Biden will have a miserable in the Oval.   On the plus side, Biden is a creature of the Senate, thus one hopes he can make deals also ObamaCare could be thrown out by the US Supreme Court, that comes before the Court within a few days.   Also Trump is still President, one does wonder what he could get up to the next two and half months.  The first thing that Trump has to do is concede the election to Biden, POTUS should try to do with some grace, endless law suits is not the way, there is always 2024, American voters seem to nominate old men, so the Trump might try his luck in 2024.  Also 2nd terms can be fraught, Nixon being the classic example,  even the great Gipper had a problem with Iran - Contra, Clinton had his affair, while Obama had to deal with the War in Libya and the loss of US Ambassador.  If the POTUS wants to get some bonus points for 2024 he should concede the election and quickly, and help Biden out with a quiet transitional period. 

The start of the Biden Agenda - Biden Era - US Politics

Lets Get Real:

Thus we are seeing the US return to the moral leadership of the West, President - Elect Biden has stated that the US will return to the Paris Climate agreement on his first day on the job, that being 21 January 2021.   Also Biden will return to enforcing civil rights and calling out those opposed to civil rights.  It should be recalled pre Trump the Oval was about MORLE power, thus JFK on civil rights and Reagan calling the USSR an " Evil Empire ".  The World will be glad for a more quiet President, no more endless tweets, or endless press conferences, on the other hand TV might just get a new channel, Trump TV, he can be on it all day, and making life miserable for the other Channels, in this case Fox News and also going after President Biden, he might run again in 2024 to annoy everyone.

Problems with UK/EU talks - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

It can be argued that the EU is playing the UK, they are stalling the talks in the hope that at the end of the process that the UK will take a deal that is more in the interest of the EU than the UK.  The UK PM has to deal with COVID - 19 at the moment and the ramifications of the 2nd lockdown, the PM over the weekend should asses the talks with his staff and the Cabinet and pull the plug, the PM should send a CLEAR message to the EU, no more talks in less the EU follows the demands of the UK.  The EU is a past master at playing this game, the point of the game is not to be in the game, make it your game, and you set the rules.