Saturday, January 22, 2022

US Embassy Staff start to LEAVE the Ukraine - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The FACT the the US and UK is sending lethal arms to the Kiev Government could be seen in Russia as a STRONG WARNING, this and no further when it comes to its troops on the Ukraine Border.   The question is when will Putin move, there have been endless diplomatic meetings and more to come, so is ALL this about the Putin EGO, he wants to feel powerful and thus has a hundred and twenty seven Soldiers and Navy personnel on the Ukraine border and at sea.  The Troops cannot just be left there, they will be furious if they just hang about in the snow, waiting for the roads to be HARD as to allow the tanks to move.  Putin could be playing a very dangerous game, do something, or retreat, that is the two options faced by Putin, what will he decide, let's hope peace, if not the Kiev Government will have a fight on its hands, it will be supported by the West. 

Russian and UK Defence Secretary's to meet in Moscow to discuss the Ukraine - After Brexit

Sky News: Reports " Russia's defence minister has accepted an invitation to meet his UK counterpart Ben Wallace amid fears that an invasion of Ukraine is "imminent".  "

Lets Get Real:

One hopes the UK Defence Secretary plays the HARD COP to the Russians, making it clear that the UK will support the Kiev Government with lethal arms even if the Kiev Government has to run an insurgency against the Russians.  Also make it clear that Russia will FACE HEAVY sanction if it invades a small or big part of the Ukraine, the Kremlin needs to HEAR that NATO is united and that it will take FIRM ACTION to support its Eastern Members.  One concern that this blog has, is that the Russians have to agree to NO INVASION while the UK Defence Secretary is in MOSCOW, that would be seen as a major insult and could LEAD to more military action by the West, in this case the UK.  The Russian Bear has to be SCARED OFF, and warned not to try this again. 

Lethal Arms for Ukraine from US - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

As the article notes 90 tones of aid has been sent by the US, this is a STARK warning to the Russia, the British Government has also sent lethal weapons, the Kremlin has to get its mind around the FACT that the West, US, UK and other countries will support the Kiev Government if the Russians invade.  The Kiev Government might need support of they have to fight an insurgence against the Russians, the Russian Army is the biggest in Europe, the problem is that there only needs one thing to go wrong or a Russian Commander to push his  luck and start a WAR with NATO.  The Kremlin needs to send a strong messages to its military commanders, that should NATO country be attacked then ALL other NATO Countries go to their support.  The meeting between the US Secretary of State and Russian Foreign Minister yesterday seems pointless, they just stated the same points as last week.  One really hopes that Putin backs off, otherwise we could be seeing the origins of World War 3.