Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Family TORN APART, Chris Huhne - Downfall PT4

Daily Mail:  Reports how the Huhne case has caused a major rift between Chris Huhne and his son Peter Huhne.  How the texts between the two helped lead to Chris Huhne pleading guilty to perverting the course of Justice today. 

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks the case has showed the importance of modern technology from speed cameras to mobile texts, they have all played a part in the downfall of a Cabinet Minister, a one time contender for the Leadership of the Liberal Democrats, who for few hundred votes could have been Deputy Prime Minister.   What the texts  and court case shows is that rich elite individual thought the law did not apply to him, if there had been no speed cameras and no texts it would haven been the word of a Cabinet Minister against a bitter wife, yes folks, thank goodness of modern technology.    This should be a warning, high or low, do not break the law, threads can be found, we live in global technical world, the idea of no mobile, email, Internet shows how much it control our lives, God helps if we ever lose technology, the world would fall apart. 

The Chris Huhne Case - Downfall PT3

Lets Get Real:

Thus the one good news for the Nick Clegg camp is that Chris Huhne can no longer challenge Clegg for the leadership of the Liberal Democrats, the Huhne Camp was a thorn in the side of Clegg and the Conservative Party.   The resignation of Chris Huhne as a MP means that there will be a by election in his Seat, this is a straight fight between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservative Party, the Conservatives should but a 100% effort in to winning the seat, the Liberal Democrats stabbed the Tories in the back when they did not support boundary changes for the next election, the Tories should make Clegg pay a heavy price for that action.   Lets show the treacherous Liberal Democrats that if they cross the Conservative Party they will pay, the Labour Party is not a factor in the Seat, it will be interesting if they campaign or want their supporters to vote Conservative as to upset the Liberal Democrats and cause friction within the Coalition Government.  This is politics at the raw end folks, getting votes and stuffing the other Party. 

The End of a Career, Chris Huhne - Downfall PT2

Lets Get Real:

At the core the UK Justice system needs people to think its honest, and no matter high or low you are you will get the same kind of justice, if you fiddle your benefits or lie to the Police you should face the same results.  In the future a man or woman who might think about doing the same thing will recall the Huhne case, and they might think that losing their licence is better that going to the Big House, Justice has been done and more important has been seen to be done, it should not matter if your in the gutter or an MP, you you face a criminal courts and be expected to be treated the same.   This is a win for Justice folks, and in today's climate that is not a bad thing, ever other pillar of the system has been shown to be weak or corrupt or both, so nice to see that the Courts work. 

Prison Time for Chris Huhne - Downfall

BBC News: Reports that former Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has been told by the Judge at his trial after pleading guilty to perverting the course of justice that he faces prison time. 

Lets Get Real:

This will sound harsh folks, but the Judge should send Mr Huhne down for at least a year, how much of the public purse has been spent on the case, if Mr Huhne has come forward at the start he might have just gotten  suspended sentence, and save the tax payer a fortune, one would have to assume that when he was interviewed by the Police that he either said nothing or lied to the Police.    Thus for the UK justice system to be seen to work the Judge should look very harshly at Mr Huhne, a year in prison would remind him that he is not above law, how ever intelligent he is or how much money he has made in the past, the Liberal Democrats are not so clean any more are they folks.