Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Poll - Republicans

Rasmussen: A new poll out on New Hampshire, this shows a close race between McCain and Romney. In my view as stated in prev post, this will be quite a close race, if the Independents go for Obama then McCain will win but it will be a tough fight, just a gut feeling about the race.

Rasmussen Poll:

McCain 32 %

Romney 30 %

If it looks like Obama will win easily, then more Independents will vote in the Republican race. A very close race, Romney could still pull it off in N.H. He has the money.

New Hampshire Polls

I have selected a poll that I think follows the trend I see, but there are a lot of polls, so take your pick.

McClatchy-MSNBC poll: On the Democratic side this poll has Obama and Clinton tied, I think Obama is way ahead, but we shall see, on the Republican side more interesting, McCain well ahead, here are the figures:


Obama 33 %

Clinton 31 %


McCain 32 %

Romney 24 %

Head on chopping block again, I see Obama and McCain winning in New Hampshire. I think the Republican side could be quite close, if the Independents vote in the Democratic Race. I think Obama will win big in N.H.

The Clinton Mess

Time: Reports on the internal finger pointing within the Clinton machine. If Senator Clinton was to lose New Hampshire some one will have to be thrown off the Cliff. A few worried people at the Clinton Campaign.

Hillary Clinton's Last Stand

Reagan in 1980 looked strong in a Debate, Senator Hillary Clinton looks like a former Front Runner who is about to lose her chance to be President.

Drudge on New Poll

The Drudge Report: Has a new poll from the respected pollster Rasmussen on the Democratic Race in New Hampshire:

Obama 39 %

Clinton 27 %

If that was the result on Tuesday the Clinton Campaign could be over, Obama would win the nomination.

Fox Review of Debate

If these undecided voters are the norm on N.H then the Clinton Campaign is toast. You cant impose Bill on Hillary.

The Left and Bush

Washington Post: An article by George McGovern, Defeated by Richard Nixon in 1972. A call to impeach both Bush and Cheney. It has a very funny paragraph, " But the case for impeaching Bush and Cheney is far stronger than was the case against Nixon and Vice President Spiro T. Agnew after the 1972 election. The nation would be much more secure and productive under a Nixon presidency than with Bush. Indeed, has any administration in our national history been so damaging as the Bush-Cheney era? " I wish President Nixon was around to read this, I think he would just laugh, your never as bad as one of your successors. This article should tell you why the Democrats lose Presidential Elections starting with 1972.

President Obama ?

Washington Post: The Dean of the Washington Press has a look at the race in New Hampshire. The Republicans are in for a long race, but if Obama can win N.H the race could be over. Broder writes the following, " Any way you view it, the race is now Obama's to lose. " The Clinton Machine is tough, both Bill and Hillary are not going to give up without a fight. Twenty Four hours is a long time in politics.

The Debate R - D

Have to admit folks was out on Saturday so did not see the debate, also over the water thus not shown on CNN or Fox. Lets see how the Elite Media play the Debate, also the question does it matter, its a Saturday, so low audience figure. The Election is on Tuesday, not sure it will effect the outcome.