Monday, January 28, 2008

Florida Polls - Update

When looking at the Florida vote tomorrow in a objective manner, as stated in previous post I have had Romney winning the state, his money and his stress on the economy very effective given the downword trend of the American Economy. The RCP average of Polls is the following, McCain 29.3%, Romney 28.5%, Giuliani 15.9%, when looking at individual polls we see a tie to a McCain lead of just 3%. McCain gained the recent support of the popular Governor of Florida, the debate has been turned to National Security. Thus who will win Florida, thus still putting my money on Romney but by a narrow margin, again down to money and Conservative support, Conservatives have a problem with McCain, Bush Tax Cuts which he opposed and his plan for amnesty for illegal Immigrants in the USA. Thus still Romney, lets hope I am wrong.

McCain Support

This is my subjective opinion:

Vote for Senator John McCain

The Nation on Kennedy and Obama

The Nation: Looks at Senator Ted Kennedy and his support for Obama. The article states the following on Kennedy, " He's the most powerful player on domestic issues in the U.S. Senate, a stalwart liberal with close ties to organized labor and minority groups that are the backbone of the Democratic party and a living link to the most iconic president of the post-World War II era. " The Nation loves Edward M Kennedy, Chappaquiddick does not get a mention, but since he is supporting Obama on this occasion we will let it go, even Kennedy has to get something right once.

Last State of the Union

New York Times: The reader might have missed it, but its the State of the Union Address tonight, tomorrow is the vote in Florida. Lets have a guess which will have the most air and print time. An interesting article on the Bush Domestic Agenda, what worked and failed to happen during the last seven years. As old British Prime Minister stated to a Minister who asked what could go wrong, " Events, Events " After 9/11 Bush became a War President, his Domestic Agenda came a distant second to the War on Terror.

Florida Voting

Miami Herald: Reports that nearly a million voters have voted already, could this help Giuliani ?

Kennedy and Obama

New York Times: Looks at the background of the Kennedy support for Obama. This is 1960 and 68 over again for Liberals, a real chance of change and headed by Obama, who happens to be African American.

Kinder Bill Clinton

New York Times: Reports that the Clinton Campaign has learned its lesson and Bill Clinton will became a typical spouse of a Presidential Candidate, the article states the following on the Clinton Campaign, " They said his role would be akin to his effort before the Iowa caucuses, when he highlighted Mrs. Clinton’s record and her policy ideas, and was used in part to build huge crowds on college campuses rather than attack Mr. Obama. " I wont hold by breath, Clinton lacks self control, in just needs Hillary Clinton to be in trouble in the polls for Clinton to start on race again or find something else negative to say about Obama. The Elite Media needs to keep a close eye on the Clinton Campaign.

Deaths in Iraq

BBC News: Five US Soldiers have been killed in Mosul in Iraq. According to the US Army, Mosul is the last major city to have a terrorist element still active in Iraq. These deaths show that the USA is still in a war. The McCain Campaign should stress National Security in the Florida vote.