Saturday, September 01, 2012

Obama vs. Romney - The Polls

Thus lets have a look at the weekend polls folks.

Bonus Poll:

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks so far the Romney bounce from the RNC is small to say the least, with the margin of error ( MofE) you are looking a feeble bounce if that, so lets see if the polls improve of the next couple of days. On the whole this blog thought that Romney had a good convention, he is no Reagan, but neither is Obama these days, let see if President Obama gets a bounce from the DNC. Thus folks it down to the debates, this follows the examples of Kennedy vs. Nixon in 1960, Carter versus Ford in 1976, Reagan versus Carter in 1980 and Bush 43 versus Gore in 2000. Also lets see how Romney Campaign is effective now that it millions more that team Obama to spend. The fun of negative advert folks.