Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Payroll Tax Cut Talks

CNN - Politics: Reports that President Obama has had telephone discussions with House Speaker Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Reid to discuss the deadlock over the payroll tax cut. One can postulate that a deal for six months for the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits could be reached, but then that takes you well in to the 2012 Elections, but on the other hand it would allow the US Government to go on holiday. Depends if the leaders want annoyed wife’s and families stuck in Washington D.C, sometimes politics is very local folks.

Can NEWT still WIN ?

The Hill: Reports on the political choice faced by former House Speaker New Gingrich, can he win the Republican Nomination without going negative on his Republican opponents. This blog has predicted that the former Speaker would be the Republican nominee, but then came the negative TV adverts by Romney and Paul in Iowa, thus the lead that the former Speaker had has start to wither under the glare of attacks. This blog still thinks that Speaker can stay positive but he needs outside groups to do the dirty work, as long as Gingrich or his supporters do not counter these attacks the more chance that Gingrich will lose Iowa either to Congressman Paul or Governor Romney, the former Speaker has to win Iowa and close to Romney in NH for his Campaign to have a chance, the Republican Establishment want a winner, someone who can take on President Obama, they think that Gingrich has to much baggage, but this was the man that retook the House from Democrats after 40 years, its going to be tough for the Speaker, but its not over, he needs someone to do his dirty pool, from a safe distance. Otherwise mud sticks folks, and Gingrich might be toast even before Iowa vote.

The Payroll Tax Cut War

The New York Times: Reports the following on the political conflict between House Republicans and Democrats, “ ..the conservative House majority…is now staring over the brink, standing fast against legislation with significant financial consequences for nearly every American household.The liberal NYT is loving this folks, the Republicans have made a political mistake if not a policy mistake in turning down the Senate deal, it was worthless, but it would have taken the War off the pages over the Christmas period, now the Democrats and the elite media will play if for all its worth as a Republican attack on the Middle Class. The elite media wont point out that the Republicans want a year deal, they want the issue for 2012, for the 2012 elections folks you have to careful with these stories from the LIBERAL NYT and others, its not what they say but between the lines. Well the House Republicans have started this War, they know have to win it, they cant blink, no matter the cost.

523 EU Banks in Trouble ?

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports that low coast loans from the ECB has been taken up by 523 banks at the cost of 489 billion Euros. Think about this folks, 523 banks needed this bailout, how many would have hit the wall without this generous loans scheme, people its time to check if your BANK is safe, or is your bank a fraud. The debt held by EU banks from Sovereign debt only needs for Italy or Spain to fold for the whole system, to hit the floor folks. This just might be the time to buy silver or gold, paper is only has value if it can be backed up by the system, when that system itself could fold time to get back to essentials.