Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Can NEWT still WIN ?

The Hill: Reports on the political choice faced by former House Speaker New Gingrich, can he win the Republican Nomination without going negative on his Republican opponents. This blog has predicted that the former Speaker would be the Republican nominee, but then came the negative TV adverts by Romney and Paul in Iowa, thus the lead that the former Speaker had has start to wither under the glare of attacks. This blog still thinks that Speaker can stay positive but he needs outside groups to do the dirty work, as long as Gingrich or his supporters do not counter these attacks the more chance that Gingrich will lose Iowa either to Congressman Paul or Governor Romney, the former Speaker has to win Iowa and close to Romney in NH for his Campaign to have a chance, the Republican Establishment want a winner, someone who can take on President Obama, they think that Gingrich has to much baggage, but this was the man that retook the House from Democrats after 40 years, its going to be tough for the Speaker, but its not over, he needs someone to do his dirty pool, from a safe distance. Otherwise mud sticks folks, and Gingrich might be toast even before Iowa vote.

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