Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Payroll Tax Cut War

The New York Times: Reports the following on the political conflict between House Republicans and Democrats, “ ..the conservative House majority…is now staring over the brink, standing fast against legislation with significant financial consequences for nearly every American household.The liberal NYT is loving this folks, the Republicans have made a political mistake if not a policy mistake in turning down the Senate deal, it was worthless, but it would have taken the War off the pages over the Christmas period, now the Democrats and the elite media will play if for all its worth as a Republican attack on the Middle Class. The elite media wont point out that the Republicans want a year deal, they want the issue for 2012, for the 2012 elections folks you have to careful with these stories from the LIBERAL NYT and others, its not what they say but between the lines. Well the House Republicans have started this War, they know have to win it, they cant blink, no matter the cost.

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