Sunday, June 02, 2019

The LEFT loath POTUS - Does that make him okay then - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus the left wing Guardian has a low opinion of POTUS, thus does that make him okay then if you are in the middle and a Conservative, also a firm supporter of Brexit.   The answer is NO, this blog supported HRC in 2016, but did place a £2.50 bet that Trump would win.  Having two degrees one would think I would have a total negative view of Trump, in many respects this blog does, but it understands why the US voter made him the 45th President of the United States and why he just might win in 2020.   POTUS does not care what the uber liberal Washington Post, New York Times or the Guardian think about him, he has to take a pay cut to run for the US Presidency and a use Air Force One, he has two better planes that he owns, Trump is a billionaire or multi millionaire and thus has the ego of one.   This blog thinks that Trump has no plans to win 2016, it was fluke, the original plan it seems from rumours was to increase his brand name and start his own TV network, then the unexpected happened, he WON.  One does wish that Trump would have learned to be Presidential by now, no luck there then, or would want to be the leader of the free world, he seems to prefer tyrants to US allies, very odd.   Thus the UK gets the Trump show from Monday, what a TREAT for the UK voter!!

President Trump's State Visit to the UK - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

One does wish President Trump was a NORMAL President, well normal for State Visits anyway.  Even before landing in the UK the President has made comments on the internal Conservative Party race for a new Leader and PM, also made his views on BREXIT clear.  One does wonder how Her Majesty does it, she has faced a few egomaniacs from the UK and the US over her Reign, Donald Trump must surly be at the peak of that LONG LIST.  It always makes this blog smile to think what a great Head of State we have, one does not know her views on anything, in this World of everyone telling everyone else what they think it's with pride one can say that the Queen through her long reign has always placed duty first, few leaders could learn from her, well let's be honest here, The Trump could learn a LOT from the Queen, but his ego would not allow that, thus we have a three days visit by the Leader of the Free World, let's hope that POTUS does not have is usal foot in mouth problem, that Diplomacy can be respected, the UK and the US could do with a drama free Visit.