Saturday, October 27, 2012

Romney BAD MAN - Obama/Biden Advert

Lets Get Real:

This is  a very negative advert, it makes Romney out to to be what LIBERALS think is bad.  How effective, not that much, the debates really did destroy this image.  The Obama team is still throwing this kind of rubbish out, why, if they are going to WIN? 

Obama KICKING of the US - Romney/Ryan Advert

Lets Get Real:

This advert is good, really goes after Obama's weak Middle East Policy and his coldness towards Israel.  Also in political terms it goes after the Jewish vote.  Thus a WIN WIN for the Romney team.   The problem for Romney is that the 1st debate came to late, if the debate had come weeks before then Romney/Ryan might have won, still doubt its going to happen folks. 

Ohio Polls - 2012 US Election

RCP: Reports on its average of the State Polls from Ohio, as of today President Obama leads Governor Romney by 48.0% to 45.7%, a 2.3% lead

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks this Blog has not seen a Ohio Poll that has Romney leading Obama, either Obama is leading or is tied with Romney.  All the polls can not be bent, thus the projection by this blog that POTUS will get a 2nd term.  President Obama has to WIN Ohio and not lose any Blue States.    It will be a very narrow win folks, Obama might win the Electoral College but lose the national vote, also the Republicans could take Congress, they already control the House, they are close to taking the Senate.    Thus the next four years could be very hard for the Chicago political mob.  As the old saying goes, to Win is to Lose. 

The Tracking Polls - 2012 US Election

Thus folks its that time of the week, the Obama vs. Romney Polls of likely Voters.

Rasmussen Reports: Today in its daily tracking poll we find Governor Romney leading President Obama by 50% to 46%, a 4% lead

Gallup: Reports in its tracking poll that Governor Romney leads President Obama by 51% to 46%, a 5% lead

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks it seems that Governor Romney has a lead of between 4% to 5%.  Its healthy folks, and one would normally project a winner even this far out, but its down to the Electoral College folks.  Thus Governor Romney might win the popular vote as VP Gore did in 2000 but lose the Oval to President Obama, as the last poll this blog saw had Obama with a small lead in Ohio.   Thus even with these National Polls this blog is still keeping to a 2nd Obama term.  Of course should the polls be found to be a fraud in favour of the Democrats this blog will not be happy.   Thus folks, a VERY long night waiting for Ohio.