Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Iran and the Neo Cons

An interesting article in the UK Guardian by Francis Fukuyama on his view that Neo Cons have learnt nothing from the War in Iraq, as they want to take strong action against Iran. Fukuyama argues the following:

  • Weak states are further under threat due to Modern technology, Terrorist groups can move across borders and thus the threat from al-Qaida in these weak states.
  • The Terrorist hides in the Crowd, so a massive Army is not much help, need to get local people to support moderates.
  • The use of Force before an attack has failed in Iraq, and thus placed the USA in a weak place in the international community. If Iran goes Nuclear less chance of American Action.
  • The Every day failure in Iraq and the lack of central control.

The above arguments are interesting but we live in post 9/11 world, thus the above views can be argued with the following views:

  1. The need for Democracy is failed states, a great economic development by the West, the development of a civic structure that at its foundation can create an economic middle class that feeds down to different groups within society, thus more action by the USA, UK in political, economic and military field.
  2. We need a large force but also local good relationships within the community, Large and Target military order to counter Large and small threats.
  3. IF all else fails might be the time to act on Iran, If news reports are true, the President has lost support of the Religious leaders in Iran, a hard air raid on nuclear development with the threat of more action might make the President fall. Politics is about doing the right thing at the right time but when you want to act on a policy matter.
  4. The Surge is the last chance, if this fails all bets are off, always have a plan b, plan b could be IRAN.

Fukuyama writes the following, ' None of these considerations, nor the debacle in Iraq, has prevented certain neoconservatives from advocating military action against Iran. Some insist that Iran poses an even greater threat than Iraq, avoiding the fact that their zealous advocacy of the Iraq invasion is what has destroyed America's credibility and undercut its ability to take strong measures against Iran. ' In war plans go wrong, but if you falter the other side wins, so IF the UN fails and International politics can not find a way out of the problem the West will have to take action, or else Israel will take action, that would cause more problems in the Middle East. Sometimes you have to hang tough and grit your teeth and take action that the Guardian will never support but is still the right action, weakness is never respected, been and acting tough gets you respect in International Politics. If news reports are true expect to hear a lot more about Iran.