Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another Gore Article and the Presidency

CNN: Another article on the prospect of Al Gore as the Democratic Nominee. Must Read of the Day.

Clinton Camp = No Comment

The Hill: Reports that the Clinton Camp is in Lockdown mode over Bosnia. Don't be surprised to see negative stories about Obama start to show up, typical Clinton method to divert news.

Clinton attacks Obama's Pastor

Pitt Tribune-Review: Reports that Clinton has stated that Obama's Pastor would not have been her pastor in other words Obama did not have the backbone to stand up to him. Also noted she stated that you cant choose your family, Obama bought his grandmother in to the debate, therefore he should have walked out of the Church. This is a subtle use of the race card, Obama's grandmother is white, while Obama's Pastor is African American. In other words Obama threw his white grandmother under the train to protect a fellow African - American. If to the point, family blood should be more important than the colour of your skin. Politics is harsh.

CBS on Clinton

CBS News: Looks at the CBS story on Bosnia and how this does not help the Clinton Camp. Obama was in trouble over his Pastor and then Hillary Clinton undercuts her own foundation on Foreign Policy. On the other hand, it could be argued that the Elite Media when they saw that Obama was in trouble, decided to go after Clinton, the Clintons have a lot of baggage.

Clinton Out ?

New York Times: A realistic look at the chances of Hillary Clinton winning, in other words she has no chance and a call for the race to end. Not much hope with the Clintons.

Backtrack on Bosnia

New York Times: Reports that the Clinton Campaign is in full backtrack mode. The foundation of the Clinton Campaign is her supposed experience in the area of Foreign Policy, think what the Republicans will do with this story. Think and combine the War Record of John McCain and you get the idea.

Bosnia, Clinton and CBS News

CBS News and the Clinton Campaign. A profile in delusion!! The No Shooting War of Hillary Clinton.

Reagan Support for McCain in 08

Breitbart.com: Reports that Nancy Reagan is to endorse Senator John McCain, this should help the McCain Camp in getting donors to give money.

Gore as POTUS

TCPalm: Interesting article that looks at the idea suggested by Super Delegate that Gore could became the Democratic Nominee. This is idea that VIEWS has suggested is a possible outcome, Former Vice - President, Senator, opposed the War in Iraq. The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. A heady mix for August if no nominee.

Clinton and Bosnia

BBC News: You know when you have a major political problem when it gets over the water, the claims made by Hillary Clinton that she came under sniper fire while on a visit to Bosnia have been shown to be a lie or a particle made up truth depends on your point of view. Never make a statement that can be proven to be a lie by Video Tape or a blue dress.