Sky News: Reports " Boris Johnson will step up his presence in the Russia-Ukraine crisis by holding a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin and visiting the region "in the coming days". "
Lets Get Real:
The US, French, UK leaders all want the CREDIT if Putin backs off, none are willing to go that extra step and place troops in the Ukraine. If the US or the UK placed troops in Western Ukraine the Russians would back off in a minute, they do not want a nuclear war over the Ukraine, and a nuclear war is not in the long term plans of Putin. The SAD fact is that neither the US or UK have a Reagan, Churchill or Thatcher in charge, one can see those leaders taking charge and doing something, not just reacting to the moves of Putin. One must assume that Putin is loving the attention of the West, visits by Ministers and calls with Heads of States. Putin knows that the West is WEAK and FECKLESS with leaders to match. Neither Biden or Johnson has the majority support of the people in their home countries, thus they do not have the nerve to place troops in the Ukraine to WARN OFF Putin.