The New York Times: Reports that the Koch Brothers backed Super Pac is to go after POTUS, the article states the following, " the Tea Party organization backed by the Koch brothers, is set to begin a $25 million advertising assault..".
Lets Get Real:
The Uber liberal NYT hates the Tea Party and its supporters, the view of the elite media is that the Tea Party are EVIL, they are demagogues, if you think this hype go and watch recent episode of the The Newsroom on Sky Atlantic, the liberal main stream media really hate the Tea Party, they never ask who backs the liberal Super Pacs, the US Supreme Court in a great decision has allowed individual people who are wealth to support Super Pacs, this is Democracy, and the elite media hate it, in the past they decide what was news, thus you never head about President Kennedy's women, or FDR' or LBJ's, it took a US magazine to get the John Edwards story out, while the uber liberal NYT was doing a character hit job on Senator McCain. The elite new media hate Fox News, because its not liberal, you only have to see how objective Fox News is when you look at the Evening News in the US, they tend to follow the line of the NYT. Thank goodness individuals and business can NOW talk in the public square, its called fairness and democracy folks.