Sunday, May 08, 2011

Obama’s Bounce in the Polls

RCP: Reports on its Average of the polls, President Obama has a 51.6% Approval Rating, while 42.3% disapprove of the job performance of President Obama. The death of OBL has given President Obama a 9% bounce in the polls, lets recall the unemployed rate has gone back up to 9%. Lets look at leaders who have a good War but are seen as a failure at home, the great Winston Churchill who lead Great Britain to victory in World War Two was thrown out of office in 1945 in a massive landslide to Labour under not a very charismatic leader. In 1992 President George H.W. Bush, or Bush 41 who had lead the Allies in victory in Kuwait was thrown out of office due to the perception that he didn’t understand the needs of main street. Thus the election of President Bill Clinton. Lets see how the polls are in a month, this blog will be surprised to see Obama still over the 50%. The problem for President Obama is that if he does not deal with Colonel Gaddafi of Libya or the suppression of the protesters in Syria the operation to kill OBL will make Obama look like a one trick pony, therefore if the Oval wants to carry on with high poll numbers it needs a very tough Foreign Policy, so far this has been lacking from the Obama's Oval.

Misrata FUEL Destroyed - Gaddafi Forces

Guardian: Reports that Gaddafi Forces have destroyed the fuel supplies for Misrata, even after the rebels informed NATO of the threat. At some point folks in the name of humanity, never mind the UN, the Allies will have to get boots on the ground, there have been threats that the Gaddafi Forces will use chemical weapons on Misrata, the Gaddafi Forces have tried to mine the Port, they have bombed medical rescue ships, at what point do the Allies say this is enough, send in Troops and finish this humanitarian disaster, Libya is turning in to another Bosnia.

No MORE Cash for Greece = Conservatives MPs

Telegraph: Reports that Coalition PM David Cameron is coming under pressure not to give another bailout to Greece. Its time to cut bait folks, Greece is a goner, its heading to default on its Sovereign Debt, any more bailouts would be good money down the toilet. It time to let the PIGS, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and even Spain hit the rocks, otherwise its just building debt on debt. The tax payers of Germany and the UK will sooner or later say NO. Why should they pay for the bad management of Lisbon, Dublin, Athens etc. These Countries except others to pay for their welfare state or their faulty economic policy. Lets clean house, let them go broke, lets start anew, lets get it right this time.

Syria, Iran, and US Foreign Policy

After the death of OBL, the Oval is getting tough with Syria and Iran, the latest White House statement condemns the Syrian reaction to protests within Syria, but what is interesting is that Syria and Iran are placed in the same boat, the Statement states the following,The Syrian government continues to follow the lead of its Iranian ally in resorting to brute force and flagrant violations of human rights in suppressing peaceful protests… On April 29, the President signed an Executive Order imposing sanctions against senior Syrian officials and other Syrian and Iranian government entities responsible for human rights abuses, including the use of violence against civilians and the commission of other abuses. ”. Thus the Obama that wanted to talk to Iran is out of the window, its time to get tough, lets recall there is an election next year, POTUS can no afford to have unemployment at 9%, and those working in part time jobs or jobs that are well below the qualifications of the individual. Or even worse those that have given up on seeking a job. That rate is at around 16%. An American President can be liberal at home but has to be tough abroad, LBJ and Vietnam, or Conservative on the domestic front but liberal abroad, in this case Jimmy Carter. What a President cant be and have any chance of re-election is liberal at home and abroad, it one or the other, it seems that POTUS is going for the LBJ route, lets see if works over the long term.

Doctor Who WINS for the BBC - Saturday Ratings

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that Episode Three of the new season of Doctor Who; The Curse of the Black Spot; had a rating of 6.2 Million viewers. This was a great episode, it was fun, dramatic, also showed that the Doctor gets things wrong in a big way, also like the arc of the overall story coming through, who is that lady with the ( Spoiler ), this blog has come to a dramatic conclusion, what if Amy is River? But could River be with her younger version, only Time Lords are allowed that in exceptional circumstances, it’s the 1st Law of Time that should never be broken. Loved the idea of Pirates in the 17th Century going off in a space ship, hope they come back, they are fun characters, would not trust them with my money, but fun.