Sunday, May 08, 2011

Syria, Iran, and US Foreign Policy

After the death of OBL, the Oval is getting tough with Syria and Iran, the latest White House statement condemns the Syrian reaction to protests within Syria, but what is interesting is that Syria and Iran are placed in the same boat, the Statement states the following,The Syrian government continues to follow the lead of its Iranian ally in resorting to brute force and flagrant violations of human rights in suppressing peaceful protests… On April 29, the President signed an Executive Order imposing sanctions against senior Syrian officials and other Syrian and Iranian government entities responsible for human rights abuses, including the use of violence against civilians and the commission of other abuses. ”. Thus the Obama that wanted to talk to Iran is out of the window, its time to get tough, lets recall there is an election next year, POTUS can no afford to have unemployment at 9%, and those working in part time jobs or jobs that are well below the qualifications of the individual. Or even worse those that have given up on seeking a job. That rate is at around 16%. An American President can be liberal at home but has to be tough abroad, LBJ and Vietnam, or Conservative on the domestic front but liberal abroad, in this case Jimmy Carter. What a President cant be and have any chance of re-election is liberal at home and abroad, it one or the other, it seems that POTUS is going for the LBJ route, lets see if works over the long term.

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