Sunday, May 08, 2011

Obama’s Bounce in the Polls

RCP: Reports on its Average of the polls, President Obama has a 51.6% Approval Rating, while 42.3% disapprove of the job performance of President Obama. The death of OBL has given President Obama a 9% bounce in the polls, lets recall the unemployed rate has gone back up to 9%. Lets look at leaders who have a good War but are seen as a failure at home, the great Winston Churchill who lead Great Britain to victory in World War Two was thrown out of office in 1945 in a massive landslide to Labour under not a very charismatic leader. In 1992 President George H.W. Bush, or Bush 41 who had lead the Allies in victory in Kuwait was thrown out of office due to the perception that he didn’t understand the needs of main street. Thus the election of President Bill Clinton. Lets see how the polls are in a month, this blog will be surprised to see Obama still over the 50%. The problem for President Obama is that if he does not deal with Colonel Gaddafi of Libya or the suppression of the protesters in Syria the operation to kill OBL will make Obama look like a one trick pony, therefore if the Oval wants to carry on with high poll numbers it needs a very tough Foreign Policy, so far this has been lacking from the Obama's Oval.

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