Telegraph: Reports " Labour seems to have forgotten that it lost the last election..Jeremy Corbyn's team boast about their man winning the leadership election, but when will they stop talking to themselves? "
Lets Get Real:
The Labour Party is in a World of hurt, it can process the fact that it lost the last election big time, in fact it lost Seats from 2010, and during that time the Miliband team had moved Labour to centre left, the election of Jeremy Corbyn has moved the Labour Party off the cliff and in to haze that it might never return from, the article notes that the election of Corbyn is seen as more important, that shows how out of touch the Labour Party is, the UK voter when given a choice between a left or right Party, chose the Conservative Party, they want to keep their own money, they want to pass that money to their children or grand children, they want a small State and they want the Unions under firm control. The Labour Party faces being out of power for a generation, in that time good MP's will see their careers go down in flames and become ashes, they should recall those young Labour MPs's in 1979 who thought they would be back in power in a few years, they had to wait seventeen and a half years. Thus one can expect those with ambition to move to other Parties, why become trench fodder for a Leader you do not support or even like, the Liberal Democrats or even Conservatives might get some defections.