Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Obama in Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports that President Obama has made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan.

Lets Get Real:

Two words folks, this is POLITICAL and it might be a MISTAKE. If you add the recent political advert in which Obama took all the credit for killing OBL and this visit, it smells of cheap Chicago politics. Also the timing might be off, this kind of stunt and it is a stunt would be good a few days before the US Election, its still way off, people wont remember this stunt, or if they do recall it will be seen as a naked Chicago political move. Chicago politics at it worse folks, and worse it’s the wrong time.

Romney’s Swiss Bank Account - Obama Attack Advert

Lets Get Real:

Here is the latest class warfare attack on Governor Romney by the Obama Campaign. At least the Campaign has moved from its OBL gloating Advert, also its 30 seconds, these long adverts don’t work, people want the info within 15 to 30 seconds, if longer people just switch off. This is the 2nd hit job on Romney in a few days, the Romney Campaign cant allow the Chicago Re-Elect Committee to define Romney before he defines himself, that was the trick Clinton used in 1996 against his Republican Opponent.

Special Forces vs. POTUS

Guardian: Reports the reaction of US Special Forces to President Obama grapping all the glory from the death of OBL, the article states the following, “ ..are none to happy with the raid becoming a political football,.. ”.

Lets Get Real:

It is always risky for Democrats to try steal the national security clothes of the Republicans. Lets be honest, Democrats are seen as weak when it comes to National Security, thus this attempt by the Chicago Re -Election Committee to cover that base could get a major blow back. Although POTUS gave the green light there were a few people in between that helped in the process, the polices of the Bush 43 and water boarding, the CIA and the brave operation by the US Special Forces. The Bill Clinton advert should have been used later in the Campaign, its of no use later on NOW, they fired their cannon, and it seems to be missing its target.

A Gloating President and the Death of OBL

Telegraph: Reports on the latest Republican reaction to President Obama using the death of OBL in a political advert, the article states the following, “ ..Unseemly Democratic gloating has prompted holier-than-thou outrage from Republicans. ”.

Lets Get Real:

The Oval has to careful, it cant allow the impression to grow that POTUS sees himself as the HERO of the operation and not the Special Forces that took out OBL. Also Obama has to be careful of his left wing Democratic base, they might be quite about this debate, but one can be sure they would not have ordered the attack and would have preferred that OBL had been arrested. The Chicago Re - Elect Committee would be well advice to drop the issue till the later in the Campaign, if they blow this NOW, they cant use it later on. Also the Republicans have a few heavy weights when it comes to National Security, Obama in a head to head with someone like Dick Cheney would lose badly. Thus advice to Chicago, move on and use later on.

Obama vs. Romney - Polls

RCP: Reports on its Average of the match up polls when it comes to Obama vs. Romney. Today’s Average has Obama leading Romney by 47.3% to 44.2%, thus a lead of 3.1%.

Lets Get Real:

Its just the start folks, and there will be thousands of polls, endless, but with the Obama Re-Elect Campaign starting this week will formal Campaign events here is the latest from RCP. In pure political terms one has to say that the Obama Oval got off to a great start, its advert with Bill Clinton singing the praises of Obama asked a important question, would OBL still be alive if Romney was in the Oval. It is a change to see Democrats using National Security. Lets recall Bush 41 won the First Gulf War and he still lost to Bill Clinton. Also Bush 43 had a close shave in 2004, but just won re-election by winning Ohio. At the end of the day folks its down to the economy, lets see what this months record brings, that will be a good indicator for the Obama fortunes in the coming months.