Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Special Forces vs. POTUS

Guardian: Reports the reaction of US Special Forces to President Obama grapping all the glory from the death of OBL, the article states the following, “ ..are none to happy with the raid becoming a political football,.. ”.

Lets Get Real:

It is always risky for Democrats to try steal the national security clothes of the Republicans. Lets be honest, Democrats are seen as weak when it comes to National Security, thus this attempt by the Chicago Re -Election Committee to cover that base could get a major blow back. Although POTUS gave the green light there were a few people in between that helped in the process, the polices of the Bush 43 and water boarding, the CIA and the brave operation by the US Special Forces. The Bill Clinton advert should have been used later in the Campaign, its of no use later on NOW, they fired their cannon, and it seems to be missing its target.

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