Saturday, October 29, 2011

POTUS and Re-Election - Pre 2012 Race

Daily Caller: Reports on the dim prospects for a Obama re-elect held by political experts given the level of unemployment and the view that the Country is going in the wrong direction. In a few days folks it will be a YEAR to the Presidential Election, thus Oval has a major fight on its hands, if you look at the Gallup history of polls of successful 2nd term Presidents then the Oval should worry, Obama is below, Reagan, Clinton and Bush 43, the Oval needs some very good economic news, it has to get the level of unemployment down from 9.1%, also there is the problem of those that are working part time or have given up, that makes the rate around 16%. Its not that hard to see that Obama is using the Clinton playbook, problem folks, Clinton was a better politician, Obama needs to be loved, a lot like LBJ, when it looked like LBJ was heading for defeat in 68 he got out, Clinton loved the fight, he has lost a Governors race and he was not going to be a one term, Obama is using the small step by step approach, from helping people with houses needing an better financial deal, with student debts. But the problem is folks that is not what Obama sold on the campaign trail, all that Yes we can rubbish, as if Obama could walk on water, he cant and neither could the Titanic. Thus if the unemployment rate is still around 9% and the Country is still in mess expect either a Romney or Cain to be the next President of the US.

Herman Cain and Money

The Hill: Reports that the Cain Campaign has raised two million dollars in a week. This shows how out of the box the Cain Campaign is, its recent political Ad had the Campaign Manager as the article notes pointedly takes a drag from a cigarette after extolling the presidential candidate's virtues ”, that is real folks, in any other Campaign the Campaign Chief would have to say SORRY for getting caught smoking and go in to rehab, but the voter has had the star power of Obama, and what has that gotten the US, 9.1% unemployment, a majority of the Country thinking that the US is going in the wrong direction, and ObamaCare is still hated by a majority of US voters. In many respects Cain is the real deal, charismatic, tells it as it is to the Country, is honest when he makes a mistake, that’s new people. The question that all political junkies are asking can Cain win, he as to win or do well in Iowa and run close to Romney in NH. Its not out there folks that Cain can win, but its not easy, its down to Iowa folks.

13 US Soldiers Killed - Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports that a suicide bomber has killed thirteen US Soldiers in Kabul, Afghanistan. The US and UK want out of Afghanistan by 2014 folks, you cant blame them, Afghanistan is a hell hole within a hell hole, in time the British Empire and the old Soviet Union have had their backsides kicked in Afghanistan. The problem for the US and the UK is that in many respects we have given the Taliban a free hand to kill our Soldiers, we have told them that we are leaving by 2015 at the latest, thus Obama faces being merged in to Presidents who have had Wars gone wrong on them, the Vietnam War become LBJ’s War, after the death of JFK, by 1973 Nixon had a deal on Vietnam, but then came Watergate, and Nixon and Ford could not prevent the liberal Congress from cutting funds to South Vietnam. Thus the humiliation of seeing that last helicopter leaving South Vietnam, the Taliban are going to win in the end folks, in less we change policy and say we are going to stay what is the point of us losing our brave Armed Forces Personnel.

Obama’s Class warfare - Weekly Address

The White House: Transcript of President Obama Weekly Address to the Nation. The Obama re-elect is still going with its class warfare theme folks, in his address POTUS states the following, ..over the past three decades, the middle class has lost ground while the wealthiest few have become even wealthier. In fact, the average income for the top one percent of Americans has risen almost seven times faster than the income of the average middle class family. And this has happened during a period where the cost of everything from health care to college has skyrocketed. ”. What POTUS leaves out is the fact that under ObamaCare the costs in the health field have gone up and education costs have also gone up. The typical attack on the rich goes on, Obama echoes Walter Mondale, .But America is better off when everyone has had the chance to get ahead – not just those at the top of the income scale. The more Americans who prosper, the more America prospers. ”. The fact that the US voter is not baying this argument has not gotten through the Oval bubble yet, Obama still thinks if he says something then its true, or Americans are just thick! The failed Obama jobs plan would be paid for by taxing the rich, here is the most arrogant out of touch statement,These jobs proposals are also paid for by asking folks who are making more than a million dollars a year to contribute a little more in taxes. These are the same folks who have seen their incomes go up so much, and I believe this is a contribution they’re willing to make. One survey found that nearly 7 in 10 millionaires are willing to step up and pay a little more in order to help the economy. ”. That the problem when you have a President who thinks he is the most intelligent man in the room, everyone else is thick in his world view. Thus we come to the re-elect theme, The truth is, we can no longer wait for Congress to do its job. The middle-class families who’ve been struggling for years are tired of waiting. They need help now. So where Congress won’t act, I will. ”. The Republican House should keep an eye on the Oval, that kind of arrogance leads to Watergate, the Democrats never surprise this blog in their hubris.

Liberal Obsession with Reagan - 2012 Presidential Race

Bloomberg: Has a comment piece that blames the nasty Washington political atmosphere at the election of Ronald Reagan and his choice of Supreme Court Justices. What is it with liberals, Reagan was elected in 1980 and re-elected 1984, he left office in 1989. If you came from outer space you would think the Gipper was still alive and had just left office, either Liberals want to steal the political legacy of Reagan, of late you have President Obama saying Reagan would have supported tax hikes for the wealthy or all the political nastiness of today is down to Reagan being Reagan, what liberals tend to forget or want to forget is that the US voter could not wait to get rid of Jimmy Carter, he was a disaster as President, thus Reagan won 44 States in 1980. In 1984 Reagan was up against the Vice - President Walter Mondale, the VP to Jimmy Carter, at the Democratic National Convention the former Vice - President stated that he would raise taxes, the result was Reagan won 49 States, 59% of the vote and 525 electoral votes. Reagan with the help of President Gorbachev finished the Cold War without a shot being fired, within months of Reagan leaving office the Berlin Wall came down, within two years the USSR was gone on to the ash heap of history, the reason Reagan had called the USSR its real name, an Evil Empire and spent money on defence, can you really think Liberals would have finished the Cold War, H-LL NO, if Liberals had been in power the Cold War would still be ON and Eastern Europe would still be under Soviet control, thus thank God for Reagan.

Silvio Berlusconi and the Euro - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph: Reports on the latest outburst from the colourful Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi, the PM has stated that the Euro is strange and has the confidence of no one. Lets recall the PM is in a hole of his own making from the political to the legal. The EU demanded a real reform programme from the PM, the PM gave them a paper, but it is worthless, the Coalition Government in Italy is split, thus a General Election is expected next year, the EU has its begging bowl out to China, or anyone with a few billion to spare, what next Moscow! The Italian trade unions have made it clear that there will be a fight if the Government tries to reform the age of retirement in Italy, in the case of Italy its going up to 67, unlike Greece, were its 50 odd. Think about this folks, the EU politicians will have to explain to the voter why they have to bow their heads to a Communist regime that does not allow Democracy, YES folks, Marx would in a way have a smile on his face. The Euro is not worth the humiliation folks, but EU politicians act like their in a cult, when will one of them be brave and say No its over for the Euro.

I.T and the Modern Web

Is Wikileaks still under attack, tried a few links either found page was not available or time ran out, something to do with the server, still had blank white page, have they gone out of business or is the CIA and MI6 doing an effective job for a change?.