Saturday, October 29, 2011

Liberal Obsession with Reagan - 2012 Presidential Race

Bloomberg: Has a comment piece that blames the nasty Washington political atmosphere at the election of Ronald Reagan and his choice of Supreme Court Justices. What is it with liberals, Reagan was elected in 1980 and re-elected 1984, he left office in 1989. If you came from outer space you would think the Gipper was still alive and had just left office, either Liberals want to steal the political legacy of Reagan, of late you have President Obama saying Reagan would have supported tax hikes for the wealthy or all the political nastiness of today is down to Reagan being Reagan, what liberals tend to forget or want to forget is that the US voter could not wait to get rid of Jimmy Carter, he was a disaster as President, thus Reagan won 44 States in 1980. In 1984 Reagan was up against the Vice - President Walter Mondale, the VP to Jimmy Carter, at the Democratic National Convention the former Vice - President stated that he would raise taxes, the result was Reagan won 49 States, 59% of the vote and 525 electoral votes. Reagan with the help of President Gorbachev finished the Cold War without a shot being fired, within months of Reagan leaving office the Berlin Wall came down, within two years the USSR was gone on to the ash heap of history, the reason Reagan had called the USSR its real name, an Evil Empire and spent money on defence, can you really think Liberals would have finished the Cold War, H-LL NO, if Liberals had been in power the Cold War would still be ON and Eastern Europe would still be under Soviet control, thus thank God for Reagan.

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