RCP: Reports on its average of the poll ratings for the job performance of President Obama, its not good folks, on the approval side POTUS has 46%, while those that disapprove of the job performance of POTUS stands at 49.3%. The Chicago Obama Re- Elect Committee has its work cut, the Obama/Biden 2012 ticket needs to get back independent and conservative voters, the US Supreme Court would do POTUS a favour by revoking ObamaCare, if the Court waits in till next year the President will have to defend ObamaCare right up to the election, it would be ironic if Obama was to win in 2012 but then for the Court was to revoke the foundation of his domestic polices, that being ObamaCare. The real worry for the Re-Election Committee is the developing view within the US that President Obama is not serious about Budge Cuts, his polls fell after his speech on the budget cuts, this was due to one simple fact, Obama is a typical liberal, he wants to tax the rich, the problem is Americans want to be rich. In many ways Obama is the US version of Gordon Brown but with charisma. Then we come to Foreign Policy, and the worry that the Taliban/Al Qaeda will mount a version of the South Vietnam Tet Offensive of 1968 just before the 2012 election in the US. One piece of good news on the horizon for the Oval is the final withdrawal of US troops from Iraq at the end of 2011. This should make the liberal base happy, as long as Iran does not invade as soon the US is out of Iraq. As to Libya POTUS must be hoping that Colonel Gaddafi is overthrown and soon, any end that allows Gaddafi to stay would be a disaster for Obama, he would have been seen as throwing away the best chance in years to get rid of a major threat to Western interests. Also lets not forget Al Qaeda, and the threat of a major terrorist attack in the US or the West before 2012, also the worry that Pakistan could fall to the Taliban of Pakistan. That could lead to an War between Pakistan and India and cause the US a nightmare on the diplomatic and military front, Afghanistan would get worse, and the US would be there for years. Thus a lot on the desk of POTUS, well he wanted the job.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Split in Democratic Party ? = Afghanistan
CNN: Reports that the Democratic Majority Leader in the Senate, Senator Harry Reid has stated that he is not confident about the result of the Afghanistan Campaign. One has to wonder did Senator Reid tell the Oval he was going to make this statement. The Afghan War was the War that Candidate Obama wanted to fight in 08, he has made two surges in Afghanistan, lets get real here folks, the Taliban/Al Qaeda read the news from the States, if they see a split within the Democrats leadership they might think this is the best time to really have a go at NATO troops in Afghanistan. Also as noted in previous blog posts the Obama approval ratings are in the toilet, thus in many respects Obama could turn to another LBJ. This Summer/Spring there is expected heavy fighting in Afghanistan, lets see if NATO can cope and if the Kabul Government can control areas under its suppose control. Is 2011/212 turning in to another 1968 for the Democrats.
Misrata Rebels call for NATO Troops
Guardian: Reports that Eastern Rebels in the city of Misrata are calling for NATO troops to be sent to save the people of Misrata. The question that has to be asked in Washington D.C, London and Paris is what will be the reaction by the public should the Gaddafi forces retake full control Misrata and wipe out the rebels, do the Allies want another Bosnia on their hands. It can be argued it better to get troops on the ground NOW and deal the legal and political consequences later, how may images of the innocent getting killed does it take for the West to take full action, what is the point of the UN if does not protect those that cant protect themselves. Shame on US, UK and France for waiting, some things are above political calculation.
41% Approval for President Obama = Gallup
Gallup: Reports that President Obama has 41% Approval rating in its latest daily tracking poll, on the negative side 49% disapprove of the job performance of POTUS. Thus folks it can be argued that political speech that POTUS gave on US debt went down like a lead balloon. It was seen as the start of his 2012 run, that might go down well with Liberals, but the election is a year and half away, thus it’s a major turn off for those with a limited interest in politics or Independent/Conservative voters. These voters want answers to the basic fact that the US cant carry on with a fourteen trillion debt for the long term, the US will go over a cliff and take the West with it, thus the idea that you would raise taxes during the recession the foundation of the Obama speech shows someone who has never had a proper job in his life. It is typical liberal rubbish, the problem with tax hikes for the rich is that there are not endless rich people, also US voters want to be rich, that is the part that the elite liberal mind set wont or cant get its head around. If you tax rich they spend less, less products or services bought the less people are employed. The more people that are unemployed the more the welfare system has to care for them, then your back to arguing for the rich to pay more or the middle class, there are more people in the middle class, thus a big bunch of people to tax. Did Obama ever due economics at University, one would not mind seeing his grades, would be greatly surprised if he passed the Unit.
The Libyan Front Part Two = Misrata
BBC News: Reports on the escalation of force by the Gaddafi Security forces in Misrata. The Allies will have to decide sooner or later if they really want to win in Libya, a deal that allows Gaddafi to stay in power would be a major defeat for the US, UK and France. The UN would look feckless, NATO would be seen as weak and not fit for purpose. The War in Afghanistan could also be affected, the Taliban/Al Qaeda could see a weak NATO and think since Obama is weak over a UN authorized attack he will not be able to cope with a Vietnam type Tet offensive in Afghanistan, lets recall at the end of the day it was Vietnam that bought down LBJ, next year is a Presidential year, and in the Summer and Spring of 2012 the Taliban/Al Qaeda might go for broke, and try to take over the limited major cities in Afghanistan. This has to be a worry for the US Military and for the Chicago Obama Re-Elect Committee, or that President Obama could face a nomination challenge from his left wing base in 2012, this was the background to LBJ’s withdrawal from the 1968 race.
The Libyan Front and the Allies
Folks, the War in Libya and it’s a War folks, is just Libyans are getting killed as a surrogate for Allied Troops getting on the ground. The Allied leaders of Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy published a strong letter on Thursday night but there is a major contradiction in this letter, the letter states the following, “ Our duty and our mandate under U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 is to protect civilians, and we are doing that. It is not to remove Qaddafi by force. But it is impossible to imagine a future for Libya with Qaddafi in power. ”. It is either removing Gaddafi by force folks or leaving him in power, that are the only two options. The Allies state the following on the actions of the Gaddafi security forces, “ …rockets and shells rained down on defenseless civilians in Ajdabiya. The city of Misurata is enduring a medieval siege, as Qaddafi tries to strangle its population into submission. The evidence of disappearances and abuses grows daily. ”. The reaction of the West is endless diplomatic meetings, the Allies have to get troops on the ground, resolution 1973 it can be argued does not prevent a limited non occupation force from taking action, those that argue that this would be against the spirit of 1973 fail to see that the resolution at its heart is about Regime change. Thus the innocents in Libya will due to the weak response from the Oval, No.10 and Paris, it seems leaders never learn from history.
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