Monday, February 06, 2012

A WIN for Santorum ? - Republican Race

CNN: Reports that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has stated that former US Senator Rick Santorum could win in the caucuses States tomorrow. This would be an upset, one would think the Republican voters in Colorado and Minnesota would want to support a winner, but as the article notes the Romney Campaign has turned its attention to Rick Santorum due to his poll numbers getting better for Tuesday. If Santorum can win it would create a challenge for Conservative voters between him and Speaker Gingrich, this helps Governor Romney as it split’s the vote in the race. It seems Tuesday will be a long night folks.

Colorado and Minnesota Voters

Vote Romney

Vote FOR One Term Obama

Vote to REPEAL ObamaCare

Vote FOR Hope over Class warfare - Vote Romney

Vote Romney on Tuesday Folks

Syria and the West

The New York Times: Reports that the US and the UK have withdrawn their Ambassadors from Syria due to the oppression of the Syrian people by its Government. Folks in itself it makes a point, but does it stop the Assad Regime killing its own people, NO, what will stop that, firstly a No Fly Zone as was placed on Libya, then the threat of action, if you take that off the table the Assad Regime will just laugh at any Western Opposition. The Russians and China will have to placed on one side, NATO has to have plans for a air and ground operation in Syria. If the US/UK and France can get rid of Gaddafi they can get rid of the Assad Regime. It is a matter of doing the right thing, it will take action folks, not hot hair of harsh rhetoric.

France and Germany vs. Greece

Daily Mail: Reports that Germany and France have demanded that the Greek Government place its revenue in a special account to pay off its bond debts. In other words Germany and France want to control the money supply in Greece, they would rather see Greece face years of harsh austerity to protect the Euro. The good people of Greece have to wake up and smell the coffee, the EU is no friend of Greece, the sole interest of EU is the protection of the Euro, thus they will make the poor Greek people pay for the failures of the EU and their own Government. Thus it can be postulated that more Greek private funds will find their way out of Greece and it to safer banks and Countries. The people of Greece should come out and protest in a peaceful manner, even a General Strike, bring ALL of Greece to a standstill, Greece deserves better from its politicians and the EU.


Guardian: Reports the following on the Greek political crisis, “ ..Greece might finally be heading for the disorderly default international creditors, lead by Germany in the EU, have tried to avert. ”. The local Greek politicians don’t want their fingerprints on any more austerity for Greece, any Party or Party leader that’s sings the demands of the troika of EU/IMF/ECB could find himself/herself out of a job at the forthcoming elections in Greece. Lets get real here folks, the Troika don’t trust the Greek Government to follow through with any austerity package, the Greek Government has promised reform, but that has stalled, Greece has suffered years of austerity and the people of Greece have had enough, it could be argued that any more austerity forced on Athens could lead to mass street protests and violence, also it plays in to the extreme Parties in Greece, also one should not forget that of late there have been rumours of Military Coup in Greece. The only thing that will save Greece is for it default, and restart its economy, otherwise the present Greek Crisis could send Greece in to social turmoil and spell the end of the Euro.

Iran Bank Sanctions - US

BBC News: Reports that President Obama has placed further tougher sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran, the sanctions freeze assets and trades within the US. Lets see if Iran reacts, so far all Iran has done is sabre rattle, lets see if they have the nerve to taken on the Western Naval presence in the Persian Gulf. The tougher the sanctions on Iran, the more it has a stark choice, either have real talks with the UN or take military action, the next step is the hands of Iran.