Monday, June 28, 2021

Biden STRIKES at Iran targets in Iraq and Syria - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

At least President Biden has shown some backbone, the question is how much down the target list did the Biden OVAL go.  Biden wants to to APPEASE Iran, he wants to get the Obama nuclear deal back on track.  The US Secretary of State has warned that time is running out for the deal.   Also Iran has elected a hard line President, who very much represents the religious regime in Tehran.  The question is how do you square a hole, the US wants Tehran to restrict its actions in the nuclear field, while Iran wants the US to remove the sanctions on the regime at the first stage.   It depends who is willing to look WEAK at the start.  That is just the Iran problem, there is also the threat from Daesh, that is why the US is back in Iraq.  The Middle East is a constant problem, and Israel will never allow a nuclear armed Iran.