Sunday, June 28, 2015

Greek Update - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This is what happens when you elect a left wing government that has no idea about economics and trusts its talking points over the economic reality.   The EU has to be firm with Greece, obey the demands of the IMF/EU or your on your own henceforth.   The Greeks bought in to the Euro on dodgy economic books and now they must pay the piper.    The Greeks will come out of this mess in time, but lets hope they have learned their lesson, do not spend money that you do not have, and never buy on credit, it has to be paid sometime by someone.   That is the harsh truth for Greece. 

Tunisia Terror Attack Update - Tunisia Update

Lets Get Real:

The West has to take the fight to IS, the lack of ground action has allowed IS to grow and become threat to Syria, Iraq and the whole Middle East and Europe.  The evil that is IS has to be taken down, this means at the end of the day that there needs to be Western ground troops in the Middle East.   The IS individuals and groups could strike anywhere at any time, thus Western security has to be on a high states of readiness, but that can not be held at that level forever.   The cancer that is Islamic State has to be removed, or else it will grown and the death tolls will grow, time for the West to man up and take down IS and its groups. 

The Greeks and the IMF - The Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greeks have done this to themselves, they elected a left wing government that promised them the earth and now Greece is up the creek without so much as a paddle.   The Greeks if they want to get out of this should vote YES in the referendum for the deal offered by the EU/IMF, it is not even a given that deal is still on the table.   The Greeks have to buckle under and obey the IMF and the EU in the form of Germany.   This is what happens when your welfare states goes MAD.   As it has been reported some Greeks retired at 50, or had jobs as gardeners with no garden to work.   Time for the Greeks to wake up and small the coffee.