Fox News: Reports " U.S. negotiators reportedly lowered the bar for their own goals during talks over Iran's nuclear program in response to resistance from the Tehran team. And, on the heels of a framework deal being announced in Switzerland, France's top diplomat on Friday admitted his country had initially held out for firmer terms. "
Lets Get Real:
The French can see that this was a PR stunt by President Obama, the talks will go on, by the time there are problems the Oval Office will have new President and Obama will making speeches to his left wing fans, the French live in the real world, they recall Munich and the fear that after Obama has gone there will be a arms race in the Middle East, and the Gulf States have the money to buy a nuclear missile off the black market. Lets recall North Korea helped Assad's Syria build a nuclear plant before it was destroyed by Israel. The Gulf States and the Israel should form a secret agreement to attack Iran's nuclear sites with their combined forces, Israeli would change the symbols on their planes to represent a Middle East Muslim Country. These attacks should hit the nuclear plants and their buildings, the Obama Oval will not be happy, it will not matter, the game will have changed, and the Oval Office will have no choice but to go along with its allies.