Friday, April 03, 2015

The US Congress and Iran - Iran Crisis

The New York Times: Reports on the reaction from Democrats and Republicans on the Hill to the deal between the US and Iran, the article notes the following,  " Leading lawmakers from both parties in Congress responded cautiously on Thursday...demanding to review any final agreement but pointedly refraining from a vow to kill the accord. "

Lets Get Real:

Lets get the heart of the deal, the details, in the agreed plan there is no destruction of nuclear buildings, the nuclear material above those agreed by the US and Iran will be stored by the IAEA, thus in Country.   The Tehran Regime will cheat, it always does, the deal was struck by Obama as a press release to end his second term, he thinks he is Nixon and this is his  opening of China. YES POTUS is that out of it, the US has to deal with Tehran causing problems in Yemen, supporting Assad in Syria and supporting the Baghdad Regime in Iraq.  The Oval has just made Iran the major power in the region, once Obama is gone after 2017 Iran will rush for the bomb, this will cause an arms race in the Middle East, the Gulf States will want to the bomb, once you have the bomb no side will take you on, this was found in the case of the Ukraine, once they gave away their missiles the Russians had a free hand, this was shown by their actions in the Crimea and East Ukraine, the Gulf States do not trust the Obama Oval, in this they are supported by Israel.   The US Congress should place sanctions on Iran and force Obama to veto them, make him their defender of Iran.  Obama in his own mind thinks that he can make Iran Regime better, in that he is foolish.   The Tehran Regime is a major threat to the Middle East and the World. 

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