Thursday, June 23, 2022

Ukraine becomes CANDIDATE MEMBER of the EU - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

This latest move by the EU and the Ukraine will drive the Kremlin NUTS, thus far the Ukraine is moving along the process it always wanted, but at a faster pace, one can expect that the Ukraine will do very fast reforms that allows it to become a full member of the EU, it could take a FEW YEARS, while the main problem for the KYIV Government is that the Russians are moving inch by inch to take the whole of the South East Ukraine, see previous post.  The EU needs to place more sanctions on Russia, the rouble has returned to its price pre the War in the Ukraine, also the Kremlin PR has been excellent, the poor people of Russia must be thinking they are fighting neo Nazis in the Ukraine, its complete RUBBISH, and shows how effective Putin and his regime has been.  The CIA and GCHQ, must start to hack Russian media systems, to tell the truth of the WAR in the Ukraine.  That the Russian invasion was illegal, and that Russian Soldiers have committed WAR CRIMES, on fellow SLAVS,  Tsar Nicholas 11 will be turning his mausoleum, WW1 started because Tsar went in to rescue the Serbs after the Austrian Hungary Empire declared War after the assassination of the heir to the throne in Bosnia.  Thus Russian Soldiers are killing, torturing, and raping their way in the Ukraine, these crimes must be paid for by the Russian State.  The Russian people have to get off their backsides and take to the streets to show that the Russian people do not support this WAR, and it is a WAR. 

US Gun Control - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Those that read this blog know its opinion on Americans having guns, they should not have them, only the Police and State Forces should have them.  The gun crime in the US is out of control.  The New York Law stated that those with guns should have proper cause to carry them in public, that looks like a very sane law.  One can only hope that when the Democrats start winning more Presidential Elections that they can appoint LIBERAL Judges to the Supreme Court, or the US Congress should pass new tougher gun laws.  For that to happen, the Democrats must have middle of the road candidate not far out liberals.  One really has to worry about abortion rights now, how far will the Court go on that, we await their decision. 

Ukraine Update - The Eastern Battlefield - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The Biden Oval and NATO must make sure that Severodonestsk and Lysychansk do not fall to the Russians, if they take both cities they could have control of the South East Ukraine an declare victory and absorb the area in to Russia and force the Ukraine to go on the offensive, that could lead to trench warfare that could last years.  The question is can Russia and the West keep up with the pace of the WAR, how many poor conscripts will Putin throw in to the mead grinder of the Ukraine War, and will the Western Countries put up with the Russians cutting gas to Europe.  Hungary has already played up, by stopping sanctions on Russia, what is to say that the voters throughout Europe lose interest, the attention span in the West is low, and this WAR will last years or if Putin dies of his mystery illness a lot shorter.  President Biden needs to show that he will not drop the ball on the Ukraine like he did in Afghanistan.