Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Trump and Wisconsin - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:
IN politics you do not burn future allies, after Governor Walker got out of the Republican race the Trump Campaign should have tried to get a peace deal and the support of the Governor, the Campaign should have stated that Walker was up for VP if Trump become the nominee.    In one thing Trump has said that is TRUE, he is a new pol, he is new to the game, but he is a rich pol. he should have hired the best staff and after winning a few States and made less critical remarks about Walker and other subjects.  Thus this blog ends up supporting Cruz in Wisconsin, it is  a odd World. 

The Day of the Wisconsin Vote - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The Primary fight in Wisconsin will show if Trump can bounce back from a bad week, the mess of his abortions views and his disaster on the future of NATO shows that Donald is unfit for the Oval Office, even Obama has not doubted NATO in public and it is a given that Hillary Clinton could be more hawkish when it comes to foreign policy.   This is time for the anti Trump Establishment to help push Cruz in to victory, a contested convention would be a disaster for the Republicans, either Trump or Cruz have to win, it can be argued that either will be defeated in the general election.    Out of a population of three hundred million the US has ended up with either Trump, Cruz or Clinton for President, how far can a State fall. 

Trump BURN OUT!! - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The quick victory that both Trump and Clinton wanted has been delayed by the stubborn opposition of Cruz and Kasich on the Republican side, and Senator Sanders in the Democratic case.   The Dem race is an illusion, Clinton will be the nominee, the Sanders campaign is just a fly in the Clinton web, it does not matter in the long term.   This can not be said of the Republican side, the very FACT that Cruz and Kasich staying in the race means that Trump might not get the majority he needs before the Republican Convention.  If Trump can not win on the first ballot then the delegates can vote for whom they like, thus Trump could LOSE.   How will the Trump cope with losing, he faces that prospect in Wisconsin on Tuesday, its not how lead that shows character but how you lose and how you react. 

More Special Forces for Syria - Daesh Threat

Lets Get Real:

The US will need a lot more Special Forces in Syria and Iraq to take down Daesh, there will need to be house to house, street to streets searches and fighting.  One is under the impression that POTUS just wants to make sure that it does not lose in Syria and Iraq and will leave the problem to his successor.    This writer must admit it has been impressed at the success of the drone strikes and the US Special Forces helping in Iraq and Syria, if only President Obama has left them in place in 2011 then we might never have heard of Daesh.   If's are the curse of history, there is one thing that the left and right agree on, there can be no talks with Daesh, its a cancer that has to be removed.