Thursday, June 30, 2022

New Iron Curtain between the West and Russia - Russian Foreign Minister - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The Russians from 2008 bought about a new cold war after they invaded Georgia and built on top of that with the 2014 invasion of the Crimea, the Putin Regime invaded a democratic country that was not a threat to them.  The " Evil Empire " of Reagan's time has been replaced by the EVIL REGIME.  The NATO meeting today has made it clear that the good old days of the post cold war 1 is OVER, and Russia is the main THREAT to Europe.  The West, in this case NATO Countries have to make sure that the Kyiv Government is always armed and that it is never forced by Western Countries to do a BAD PEACE DEAL.  As the UK PM stated in the House of Commons, Putin must lose in the Ukraine and be seen to lose.  Churchill fired the opening line of the original COLD War in 1946 and that did not end in till 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall and in 1991 with the fall of the USSR.  One does wonder how the 2nd Cold war will end in a whimper or a major bang, as in World War 3. 

POTUS on Ukraine - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

The Hill: Reports  " Biden says US will send $800 million in more security aid to Ukraine "

Lets Get Real:

The Biden is trying to prevent WW3 happening over the following, Ukraine, Iran and North Korea.  Thus far the Biden Oval has spent billions on keeping the Kyiv Government in the game, thus far in the North Ukraine the Russians were pushed out, even if their rockets can still hit Kyiv, in the Donbas its another picture, the Russians are gaining ground at much cost in Russian deaths.  The West, in this case the US and the UK has to increase the military support, even given them enough support to hit the Russians on the borders, force the Russians the Russians to protect their rear.  This will be a long war of attrition, the Russians have the men and women to carry on this fight for years, while the West has the armoury to keep the Ukraine in the WAR.  The only way that the West can win, as in 1917 and 1941 and afterwards, is to send US/UK combat troops in to the Ukraine, that will scare off the Russians.  On Iran, the Biden Oval cannot never allow the Tehran Regime to get the bomb, that time is getting closer, at some point MOSSAD will tell the WORLD that the Tehran Regime has the materials for a nuclear bomb.  On North Korea, the Biden Oval cannot do much, the North Korean Regime has the bomb, and if pushed could used it on South Korea and other States in the region, such as Japan, both close allies of the US.  It is a matter of time before they test another nuclear weapon, what will the US do, one is not sure, Biden is  WEAK PRESIDENT.  

UK Defence hike due to Ukraine War - Ukraine - Russia War - New Cold War 2

Sky News: Reports "  UK to spend 2.5% of GDP on defence by 2030, Boris Johnson announces....Speaking to Sky News this morning, Liz Truss warned that  NATO members must make it their "absolute priority" to stop the Ukraine war and push Russian troops out of the country - or face a "much less safe Europe". "

Lets Get Real:

An increase in defence spending of 2.5% by 2030 is not good enough, the War in the Ukraine is going on NOW, 2022, we cannot wait for that increase, this is why the blog has no confidence in PM Boris, he diverts with fake gold, the good thing is that the UK has given one billion military support to the KYIV Government, but this is not enough, the war is costing billions more, the US must lead the way and give more support, the Putin military machine has to be stopped in the Donbas, otherwise Putin will absorb East Ukraine and force the Kyiv Government to take the fight to the Russians.  As stated previous post, the West, in this case the US and the UK should consider placing combat troops in the West of Ukraine, to prevent Putin trying another invasion of the North.  This is an endless WAR, action has to be taken to win it, not make it a war of attrition. 

Snake Ireland back under Ukraine Control - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The only reason that Russia would leave Snake Island is that they were pushed out  of the Island and most of their new troops are fighting and winning in the Donbas, the Russia PR has shown that it has been very effective IN RUSSIA.  The Russia people really believe they are the good guys and that the KYIV Government are new neo Nazi's, one would like to think that those Russians that are up on I.T would be able to get REAL NEWS from the West.  Thus far there have been no mass demonstrations in the streets against the Putin Regime, it seems that the Regime has placed enough fear on the streets that the people are afraid to ACT against Putin.  The EVIL EMPIRE has gone, thanks to Reagan and Thatcher, while the new EVIL REGIME is still running Russia, the Russian people MUST ACT, this WAR in the Ukraine can only END when either the West wins or Putin does, if Putin wins we could be on the road to WW3.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Finland and Sweden to JOIN NATO - Ukraine - Russia War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

One does wonder if Turkey gave way after the Turkish President met POTUS, let's be honest its up to the US who comes in to NATO, not Turkey, it seems that Finland and Sweden have given the TURKS a face saving way out, one is sure they could have gotten that without all the fuzz.  The Russians will not be happy, they have threatened to place new missiles on the Finish border, the Fins have a big army, they have learnt from their WAR WITH RUSSIA in 1940.  Thus Putin has made NATO BIGGER, given it a new role, to contain a EVIL REGIME, and also the Germans are going to spend billions on their armed forces.  This is a GOOD DAY for the WEST and a very bad day for Russia. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Horror Rocket Attack on Shopping Centre in Ukraine - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The Russians have no shame, they are committing WAR CRIMES in the Ukraine every day, the West has to put a STOP to this before many more die, the NATO Countries, well the US and the UK should think about putting combat troops in the Ukraine, that would STOP the Russian attacks at once, the Kremlin would not be MAD to hit American and Western targets, the people of the Ukraine are facing their own 9/11 every day, and it is being ATTACKED by a State, the Evil Empire has gone, but the a new Evil REGIME has take its place, the West cannot afford to allow Putin to WIN, if that happens we face WW3 down the line.  How can West accept the above destruction and DO NOTHING, there come a time, WHEN action is needed, or we are no better than the Appeasers of the 1930s. 

NATO Upgrade - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Sky News: Reports " NATO will significantly increase the number of forces on high alert to over 300,000 from 40,000 as part of the biggest overhaul of the alliance's defences since the Cold War.  "

Lets Get Real:

This is not what Putin's Russia wanted, it wanted a easy victory in the Ukraine and move closer to EU and NATO Countries, it did not expect the WEST to rearm the Ukraine Army and keep the Ukraine in the WAR.  Also Sweden and Finland have asked to join NATO, the UK and US have given security guarantees to both Countries should Turkey play the spoiler, they will be at WAR if Russia invades, and it doe not matter what they think, if the US and the UK in action so will be NATO and Turkey does not have a VETO over that.  The Russians have gained ground in South East Ukraine, the worry for the West is that Putin will declare victory and then it will be down to the carved up state to go in to a long WAR of attrition with Russia in the East.  The Biden OVAL and UK PM Boris could do with a victory, they are under pressure at home. 

Brexit Day and the Northern Ireland Protocol - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This new bill should get through the House of Commons, the only problem will be REMAINERS who have never gotten over the Brexit vote and those that oppose PM Boris.  The PM should make it clear to his backbench MPs that this is a confidence vote, in other words, vote for this or its election time.  Then we shall if the malcontents will put their faces to a recorded votes in the House.  The Johnson Government has tried for MONTHS to get a deal with the EU over rewriting the Northern Ireland Protocol, but the EU has not moved an inch.  The DUP will not serve in the Northern Ireland Assembly if the protocol is not removed, thus those that want to protect the PEACE should vote for the new bill.  If there is a rebellion we shall see its size and who they are, the bill should have a 3 line whip, in other words vote for the bill or no longer be a Conservative MP, we shall see who is stupid and just political for their own futures. 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

West MUST SUPPORT UKRAINE - UK PM - Ukraine - Russia War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The US and the West faces a cost of living crisis, coming out of COVID - 19, then there is inflation, in part inflation is being driven by the Ukraine - Russia War, the fact that oil prices have gone up, due to the WAR.  Also the Russians are keeping grain of Ukraine has hostage, thus a part of the cost of living crisis. The Russian President has no shame, he has shown that he is a WAR CRIMINAL, he has allowed his troops to do WAR CRIMES with no action.  The destruction of the East of Ukraine, is a WAR CRIME.  The Western Leaders have to explain to voters, that the West cannot afford to allow Russia to WIN, any success by Russia is a threat to Europe, also it might to LEAD to World War 3. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Ukraine Military Forces LOSE Sievierodonetsk - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

This is a major military and psychological loss for the Kyiv Government, the Kremlin from taking the above City COULD declare victory and absorb most of South East Ukraine, one green spot is the fact that the Russians have not taken Odesa, the Ukraine Military have placed mines on the sea to prevent Russian from doing a sea invasion, that is why in part the Russians have stolen the grain of Ukraine, they want the Kyiv Government to remove the sea mines, that would allow the grain to get out of the Ukraine but would also allow the Russians to invade Odesa from the sea.  The Russians will do anything to WIN, even starving millions in Africa and costing inflation to raise in the West.  The UK and the USA really need to up the military equipment sent to the Ukraine, the Russians have to be stopped or the WAR could be over and US and the UK in over a year would have lost Afghanistan and the Ukraine.  President Biden needs to wake up, or he will be seen as another Jimmy Carter Mark 2. 

Friday, June 24, 2022

POTUS on Abortion Ruling by US Supreme Court - Biden Era

Sky News - Live Blog: Reports in its 5.45pm post the following, " Joe Biden goes on to say Congress needs to move to make Roe V Wade a federal law, but says it will not have the votes to do that unless new representatives are voted in at the midterms.  "

Lets Get Real:

The problem that Democrats have is a President who cannot say the word abortion, let's recall that Biden is Roman Catholic, thus his political statements might be opposed to his actual fundamental BELIEF, thus those on the left of the Democratic Party will have to take up the issue and run with it in November.  The far LEFT Democrats make this blogger's skin crawl, the usual suspects will come out of the wood work.  This blog is for abortion ON demand, but those leading the charge seem more obsessed with issue than the real problems faced by poor women and those that have been dealt with the issue based on a criminal consequence, thus one does wish that the Democrats have LEADERS who really care, that is not just a issue for them to use in their political fight.  Today is a major day for the US, one does wish the US Supreme Court would have made a different outcome, thus the issue goes back to the States.  The Founding Fathers might have agreed with that outcome. 

Roe vs Wade OVER TURNED - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This is a major mistake by the US Supreme Court, its takes the right of abortion away form WOMEN, as this blog has argued on this issue, the matter should only be discussed by the WOMEN and her Doctors, and that the US should have abortion on demand.  Its the women that are left with the baby should the man do a runner, thus they must decide of they want a baby.  The US Constitution was written in the 18th Century, and the drafters had no idea on the progress of safe abortion, to take it away after 50 years is a injustice, it throws away years of legal opinion. The Democrats need to weaponize this issue, otherwise they will be toast in the November when the US has its Mid Terms, the problem is that US ideas have a way of migrating to other Countries, thus Europe must protect the rights to abortion and the Democrats have to fight back, its a tough debate and it will take years to get the right balance and choice for American Women. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Ukraine becomes CANDIDATE MEMBER of the EU - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

This latest move by the EU and the Ukraine will drive the Kremlin NUTS, thus far the Ukraine is moving along the process it always wanted, but at a faster pace, one can expect that the Ukraine will do very fast reforms that allows it to become a full member of the EU, it could take a FEW YEARS, while the main problem for the KYIV Government is that the Russians are moving inch by inch to take the whole of the South East Ukraine, see previous post.  The EU needs to place more sanctions on Russia, the rouble has returned to its price pre the War in the Ukraine, also the Kremlin PR has been excellent, the poor people of Russia must be thinking they are fighting neo Nazis in the Ukraine, its complete RUBBISH, and shows how effective Putin and his regime has been.  The CIA and GCHQ, must start to hack Russian media systems, to tell the truth of the WAR in the Ukraine.  That the Russian invasion was illegal, and that Russian Soldiers have committed WAR CRIMES, on fellow SLAVS,  Tsar Nicholas 11 will be turning his mausoleum, WW1 started because Tsar went in to rescue the Serbs after the Austrian Hungary Empire declared War after the assassination of the heir to the throne in Bosnia.  Thus Russian Soldiers are killing, torturing, and raping their way in the Ukraine, these crimes must be paid for by the Russian State.  The Russian people have to get off their backsides and take to the streets to show that the Russian people do not support this WAR, and it is a WAR. 

US Gun Control - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Those that read this blog know its opinion on Americans having guns, they should not have them, only the Police and State Forces should have them.  The gun crime in the US is out of control.  The New York Law stated that those with guns should have proper cause to carry them in public, that looks like a very sane law.  One can only hope that when the Democrats start winning more Presidential Elections that they can appoint LIBERAL Judges to the Supreme Court, or the US Congress should pass new tougher gun laws.  For that to happen, the Democrats must have middle of the road candidate not far out liberals.  One really has to worry about abortion rights now, how far will the Court go on that, we await their decision. 

Ukraine Update - The Eastern Battlefield - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The Biden Oval and NATO must make sure that Severodonestsk and Lysychansk do not fall to the Russians, if they take both cities they could have control of the South East Ukraine an declare victory and absorb the area in to Russia and force the Ukraine to go on the offensive, that could lead to trench warfare that could last years.  The question is can Russia and the West keep up with the pace of the WAR, how many poor conscripts will Putin throw in to the mead grinder of the Ukraine War, and will the Western Countries put up with the Russians cutting gas to Europe.  Hungary has already played up, by stopping sanctions on Russia, what is to say that the voters throughout Europe lose interest, the attention span in the West is low, and this WAR will last years or if Putin dies of his mystery illness a lot shorter.  President Biden needs to show that he will not drop the ball on the Ukraine like he did in Afghanistan. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

US and Iran Navies Clash in the Strait of Hormuz - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Biden White House has told Senators from both Parties that the Obama Nuclear Deal is on the way out.  While the Biden Oval dithers about what to do, one assumes that Israel will never allow IRAN to go nuclear, in that view one assumes the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia also agree.  The US under Biden would like a DEAL, but the costs outweigh the benefits at present, the Tehran Regime wants the US to remove ALL sanctions, and allow it to fund terror groups, while Biden must know that that Iran is close to getting nuclear material for the bomb.  At some point something has to give, either the Tehran Government gets real and does a proper deal or the US and its ALLIES will have to take action, that could lead to a reginal war, if the US acts alone, one assumes that Tehran will not try to drag in other Countries, the US is bad, a US having to defend its ALLIES could be worse, the very existence of the Tehran Regime would be at risk.  Tense days ahead. 

Ukraine will win the WAR with Russia - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

After ALL the billions that the US and the West has given the Kyiv Government one can hope that the the Ukrainian Forces can take the fight to the Russians.  The Ukrainian Army is making the Russians pay for every inch of Ukraine land they take, but that is not enough, the Russians with their forces limited to South East Ukraine are gaining ground, the Ukraine Forces are being pushed back, thus the Biden Oval has to increase the arms and weapons that are sent to the Ukraine, and make sure they get there in time to help the KYIV forces.  POTUS also has to help Lithuania, the Russians are making threats after the Lithuanian Government went along with EU sanctions on Russia.  Thus the US should battle ready troops in to the area to protect LITHUANIA, they are part of the EU and NATO.  The WAR in the Ukraine could take YEARS, a lot of it trench warfare, like WW1, the Allies only won in 1918 because the US had sent fresh new forces and were ready to action, they also bought the Spanish Flue. 

Russia THREAT to Lithuania - Ukraine - Russia War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

Let's recall that Lithuania is part of the EU and NATO, the EU sanctions are the reason that Russian goods cannot go through Lithuania to get to Kalingrad.  This story has been around for a FEW DAYS, but this blog does not actually like speculation, in till something happens.  The thought that Russia would take action against Lithuania is for the birds, Putin would never want to cause WW3 by attacking Lithuania or creating problems for it, as that would allow them to invoke Article 5 of NATO, an attack on one is an attack on all.  On the other hand this blog did not think that Putin would invade the Ukraine, and of course he did in February of this year.  Also Putin really wants to reform the band, e.g the USSR or Imperial Russia, and a major crisis would force Biden to have a CRISIS Summit with Putin, the Russian leader wants to return to the era when the two powers decided the futures of Nations, or 1938.  This is why POTUS has to arm the KYIV to the hilt, whatever they want, he cannot be seen as WEAK when dealing with the Russians.  Still as stated this blog thinks this story goes nowhere, the costs could be to much for Putin's Russia. 

Monday, June 20, 2022

No Deal with Iran over its Nuclear Ambitions ? - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This is the other major crisis faced by the Biden Oval, POTUS has been trying to get a deal with Iran since coming in to OFFICE, even Senate Democrats see that Biden is searching for fools gold.  The Tehran Regime has no interest in giving up its nuclear ambitions, it has seen how the US has not reacted to North Korea having the bomb and its threats to have other nuclear tests, also that the Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons and for that it has been invaded by Russia.  Thus Iran is playing the Biden Oval, it wants enough nuclear material to make a bomb, one assumes they are getting or buying the information from North Korea.  Of late it was reported that Tehran was getting ready to send Satellites in to Space, the same kind of rocket that could be used in a ICBM.  Thus one would not be so shocked to find one morning that Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States have launched a military attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, as they fear that Biden is to WEAK to take action.  When reports come from Israel that the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency are convinced that Iran is close to getting the bomb, expect ACTION from the Israeli Government. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

UK Troops for Ukraine ? - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

This is a CLEAR WARNING to Russia that the UK is in for the long term and will not betray the KYIV Government, this is not 1938 and the Ukrainian people are not the Czechs of Munich 1938.  The Russian Army is making advances in the Donbas, they are gradually gaining ground, the Ukrainian Army is making the Russian pay for every inch of ground in the East, the problem is that the Russians have millions of men they can throw in to the meat grinder of the Donbas war, also they have closer connection between their men and rearming, food, water.   The Kyiv needs heavy weapons from the West, the West, in this case the UK and the US have really supported KYIV, but now comes the HARDER part, the WAR will be long term, and the West cannot get bored, the people of the Ukraine needs us to prevent the carving up of their COUNTRY by Russia.  Time is of the essence. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Biden TAKES a FALL AFTER Stopping a bike to talk to reporters - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports " The US leader took a tumble after a cycle ride in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.  "

Lets Get Real:

This ability of Joe Biden to muck up going on a bike shows that he is not fit to be President, he fell after he had stopped to talk to reporters, this is like the 1st episode of the West Wing when President Jed Bartlet also fell of his bike.  The REAL White House must have their heads in their hands, Joe Biden is no Jed Bartlet, while Biden has many faults, Bartlet lied about his MS in his first Presidential run and let his wife take the blame for hiding his MS.  Thus a lying SOB, while Biden has been worse, he left Afghanistan to the Taliban, and in the process got 13 US Military personnel killed, and left the poor people of Afghanistan to the mercies of the Taliban.  The President then did not prevent Russia invading the Ukraine.  The President is trying to have it two ways, helping the Army of Ukraine with arms and weapons, but not enough, they need heavy weapons, the Russians are making gradual success in East Ukraine, the Biden Oval cannot afford to lose Ukraine, it cannot allow Russia to tear the Country apart by taking South East Ukraine.  As the British PM stated, Putin must be lose in the Ukraine and be seen to lose.  Even the EU has decide to give Ukraine CANDIDATE membership of the EU, they are in the waiting room, the EU wants internal Ukraine reforms before it becomes a member.  Biden has the MID TERM in November, if the Republicans take the House and Senate, the Biden Oval should expect a LOT OF PAIN, investigations right up the backside of the Biden Oval.  The Republicans will start with the President's son, Hunter, that should be interesting for President Biden.  If Biden stated he was not running in 2024, the Republicans might let him off the hook when it comes to Hunter, if he really decides to run, expect Fox News to have 24 hours coverage of the House as it investigates the Biden Oval, over Hunter, Afghanistan and the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.  President Bartlet got a 2nd term, ( the 2nd term was an aborted 3 year run, in whole 7 years of the series ), one really has doubt that Biden will run again. The only exception is if Trump decides to run again, Biden might like his chances, the problem is he will have to run on record, and he cannot hide in his bunker like in 2020. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

EU ultimatum TO THE UK over the Northern Ireland Protocol - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

It seems that the EU is unware of HISTORY, the UK does not react well to THREATS from Europe. we wait and then WIN, the EU needs us more than we need them at the moment, with the exception of FRANCE, there are no other nuclear powers in Europe.  The does EU really think that Putin takes EU in a serious manner, the EU sanctions on Russia are good but will take time.  The Russian rouble has returned to previous level before the invasion of Ukraine in February.  Also Russian business has taken over the business brands that have LEFT Russia due to the Ukraine War.  Thus as stated, sanctions could take a long time, ,and one has to worry that EU will stay united, it already has problems with Hungary, who against Russians gas sanctions, as they get a majority of their gas from Russia.  Also Europe has been slow in giving heavy arms to Ukraine, the Berlin Government sent caps at first, and they have been foot dragging over their promises.  Thus the EU might need the UK down the road, the EU will have to decide, does it care about petty small print or its power abroad.  The Brussels tails is leading the rest of it, somewhere down the line it will be needed to taken down a bit, or else the EU will look like a eunuch. 

Severodonetsk Update - Ukraine - Russia War - New Cold War 2

If the Russians take the whole of Severodonetsk, that could mean that they have taken control of the whole of Donbas in East Ukraine, or through there is commentary that the Russians would have to take few other cities to have complete control of the area.  President PUTIN has been looking for an event that he can state that the the Russians have WON and met their military planning.  Of course it would be a BIG LIE, the Kremlin wanted the whole of Ukraine.  The West must get the fact this action in the Donbas could define if the West has done enough to help the KYIV Government.  President Biden has to arm the KYIV up to the teeth in what they want in heavy weapons, otherwise it can be argued that Biden lost Afghanistan and the Ukraine.  Presidents do not win 2nd terms based on events like that, even the Mid Terms could be a disaster, thus the Biden Oval has to move FAST and arm the Ukrainian Army and give them fighter jets, the Kyiv Government needs to counter the Russians in the East. 

Monday, June 13, 2022

EU reaction to the changes in the Northern Ireland Protocol - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This is an overreaction by the EU, it is typical of them, they still cannot get the FACT that the UK voted to leave the EU in 2016 and did so after the 2019 Election.  The UK House of Commons has the final say.  There will be those on the LEFT who expect the 140 Conservative MPs who voted no confidence in the PM to come out against the new changes.  That would be a mistaken view, the Conservative MPs voted in secret, and voting to support the EU will not go down well with its local associations, and if Tory rebels are thinking of rebelling the PM should state its a confidence vote in the Government, in other words you are voting to bring down the Government. MPs on the whole do not putting their political careers on the line, and the vote will be recorded, so they cannot hide, if some do rebel they can be thrown out of the Party, and not allowed to stand as a Conservative MP in the 2024 General Election or when the PM decides to call the election, the Conservative Government removed the Fixed Parliament Act, thus the power is in the hands of the PM.  The UK voter does not have much time for the EU, thus a TRADE WAR, is what the PM could need to unite the Party and force MPs back in to line.   

Severodonetsk Update - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

If POTUS wants to run in 2024 he better get his head out of the sand when it comes to East Ukraine, he has already lost Afghanistan to the Taliban and in the process got 13 US military service personnel killed.  If Putin's Kremlin takes the South East Ukraine and absorbs it in to Russia then Biden can kiss goodbye to 2024 and the Democrats holding the Congress this November.  The US Defence Department needs to send billions of more arms and weapons, even the heavy stuff, long range missiles otherwise the Ukraine will be split, the West will have to deal with a BROKEN Country and help rebuild it, while the the Kremlin tries to destroy what is left of the Ukraine.  Thus political and moral action go hand in hand, POTUS must ACT and FAST or he and the Democratic Party are toast. One does hope that the Biden political staff in the White House know something about international politics and the consequences of FAILURE, they should have a word with Jimmy Carter, the failed President that none of his successors wanted to be, a one term President.  In that One term club have been Hoover, Carter, Bush 43 and Trump.  It should be noted that LBJ did five years, becoming President on the death of JFK in November 1963,  and winning in 1964 but deciding not to run in 1968 due to the Vietnam War, Nixon won a 2nd term in 1972 but resigned in 1974 due to Watergate, Gerald Ford become President after the resignation of Nixon, going down to defeat in 1976 to Jimmy Carter.  The second set of Presidents can be seen as failures, that no one wants to follow. 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Iran CLOSE to getting the BOMB - Middle East - Biden's other problem - Iran

Mail on Sunday: Reports " Iran is 'dangerously' close to completing its Nuclear weapons programme, Israeli prime minister Bennett warns "

Lets Get Real:

This is a new warning from the new Israeli PM, Israel has made it clear that it cannot allow IRAN to get the bomb, it will take action, as it did in 1981 with Iraq and 2007 with Syria.  A nuclear armed Iran is a threat to the existence of the Jewish State of Israel.  Thus one hopes the Biden Oval is keeping a close eye on Iran, it also has to deal with the WAR in Ukraine, the Biden Oval cannot allow Russia to win in the Donbas, if they do Putin Kremlin will absorb the South East of Ukraine in to Russia, and then what happens, the WAR goes on and there is a chance that Russia could threaten other EU or NATO States.  Thus Biden has three tricky problems to deal with, all could cause WORLD WAR 3. At least Iran, North Korea and China have not formed an alliance, what if North Korea has another illegal nuclear test, Iran gets the bomb and China try's to take over Taiwan, ALL at the same TIME, it would be a nightmare for the Biden Oval. 

Are the Northern Ireland Protocol CHANGES LEGAL ? - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The sole interest of this blog is that the UNION of the UK works, if the House of Commons agrees to these changes, see previous post, then that is LAW, the international consequences does not bother this blog.  This is the reason that the UK voted in 2016 to leave the EU, the House of Commons will decide this, not some lawyers that the lefts always picks, and not the UK Court, the UK Courts have gotten out of hand, they should follow UK LAW, not make law up as they do in the United States, see posts on abortion.  This is a chance to preserve the Union of the UK and Northern Ireland, the consequences on the World Stage be dammed.  If the changes is gains the approval of the people of the province and gets the Unionists back in to the Northern Ireland Assembly so let it be.  The Labour Party and the those in the Opposition are more interested in bowing down to the  EU, PM Boris does not, that is the reason he won in 2019. 

Northern Ireland Protocol Update - Monday - After Brexit

My favourite subject, Brexit and its consequences:

BBC News: Reports " New legislation to change post-Brexit trade arrangements will not break international law, the Northern Ireland secretary has said.....The UK government is due to publish legislation on Monday that would allow ministers to override parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol.  "

Lets Get Real:

Thus the PM Boris is finally taking on the thorny issue of the Northern Ireland Protocol, the UK Government has simplified the problem, ALL goods going to the Northern Ireland will not face any paperwork, it would be easy to send bread from London to Manchester, those that want their products to enter the EU will have to go through the EU process and paperwork, it is simple and everyone knows were they stand.  The move will force those that oppose the PM to come out in the open, and the PM can withdraw the WHIP, that means they cannot stand as a Conservative MP in their seat, they can stand as a Independent, let's see how many of those brave MPs who opposed the PM in the No confidence vote actually vote to end their political careers.  Of course the WET REMAINERS, will have to vote against, thus the same result, they get thrown out of the Party.  It will be in the lows tens, they still want to be a MPs after 2024.   10 Downing Street needs a tough CHIEF WHIP, who puts the fear of God in MPs, high or low.  

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Biden's OTHER CRISIS, Iran - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

What is it with this Administration when it comes to Iran, the Tehran Regime wants it nuke, they see that the US has done nothing when it comes to North Korea and has not sent NATO troops in to the Ukraine.  The appeasers in the Biden Administration have been seeking a renewed Obama Deal, it was BAD DEAL then, its even a worse deal NOW.  One can assume that Tehran has enough nuclear material to make the BOMB, that is a nuclear bomb.  One assumes that if they have the bomb or are close to getting the bomb, then ISRAEL will ACT, it will not wait for Biden to wake up.  A nuclear armed Iran, is a THREAT to Israel, thus one expects either that Biden and Allies do something or ISRAEL will act on its own.  The US, Israel, and Gulf Allies see a nuclear armed Iran as a THREAT, one can be sure that if Iran gets the bomb, Saudi Arabia will spend the trillions it has on developing in its own bomb or buy one on the black market.  Thus Biden has a choice, if the US attacks Iran, then Tehran might not react, yes some missile attacks on Iraq and other US bases but not ALL OUT WAR, if Israel has to act, then Tehran might start a regional WAR, do we really want to see the gas prices then.  It is time for Biden to be a REAL POTUS and act and take the responsibility, he has to be the new Truman, he has to act for US and World Security. 

The Northern Ireland Protocol Update - After Brexit

Daily Mail: Reports " The Prime Minister is facing pressure from Tory backbenchers to harden up legislation to override parts of the Brexit deal.....Boris Johnson held a secret meeting with a representative of the European Research Group of Brexiteer Tory MPs on Tuesday night.  "

Lets Get Real:

The PM has to grab the thorny issue of the Northern Ireland protocol, the DUP will not go in to Government with the Nationalists if the protocol is still about, and that is a THREAT to the Good Friday Agreement.  The most import document that matters is the Good Friday Agreement not the North Ireland Protocol.  On the whole one expects Conservative MPs to support the reforms as stated by the Johnson Government, there will be THOSE that want to bend the knee to the EU, well this is the time to show them up, and make it a 3 line whip, if Conservative MPs do not vote for it they should have the WHIP removed.  This means that they are no longer part of the Conservative Party and cannot stand in 2024 or put in letters of no confidence in the PM.  The malcontents should be made to vote against things they agree with just to see who really is LOYAL.  This un loyal can be binned as not really Conservatives, they might find a better home with the Liberal Democrats.  Or they could form their own Party, that has been tried, it FAILED.  This is the time for the PM to be cunning and ruthless and win. 

UK PM REJECTS Peace Deal that favours Russia - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The calls have already started, we must not push Russia to far, that is find no way out, we must deal with Russia, the Kiev ( Russian spelling ) cannot defeat Moscow and thus should DEAL.  The calls have even been spouted by the venerable Henry Kissinger, former NSA and Secretary of States to Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, the Ukraine President stated that Kissinger had the WRONG CALENDER, that it was stuck in 1938 not 2024.  Why do all the diplomats want to be another PM Neville Chamberlain, and not Churchill or Reagan by winning WW2 or winning the Cold War.  They want to appease so much it makes this blog sick.  Why are our suppose betters in intellectual not have the BACKBONE to WIN, Russia will not give up, well the West should not give up, the Putin Regime is EVIL, and must be replaced as stated by POTUS before the White House walked it back, and gave the impression that Biden is gaga.  This UK PM is right, this is his Churchill moment. 

Labour CRITICAL of PM over Northern Ireland Protocol - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

On what PLANET is Sir Keir on, the EU has not been flexible on the Northern Ireland Protocol,  they heave never gotten over the FACT that the UK voter voted to leave the EU in 2016.  They created problems for PM May that lead to her FALL, and because of the weak hand held by PM Boris at the time, he had to agree to having the protocol that placed the border in the sea between the UK and Northern Ireland.  The DUP will not go back in to government a long a the protocol is still around, thus the PM has to make a choice, what is more important, the Good Friday Agreement on the EU, well Boris has made the right decision, the Good Friday Agreement is more important, and thus wants to negate it, while Sir Keir, the man that wanted a 2nd referendum wants to give in the EU.  The communication people around Sir Keir need to remind him, that UK voters vote for the UK PM not the EU.

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Latest Update from Ukraine - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The War in East Ukraine is a WAR OF ATTRATION, the Russians have the manpower while the West has the military equipment to keep the Kyiv Government going.  The US and UK are sending long range missiles to Kyiv, one hopes that the Ukrainian Army can use them to push back the Russians in the Donbas.  Putin knows that he needs a victory, the question is does he HAVE ALL THAT MUCH TIME, there are constant rumours and denials about his health, does he have cancer of the blood, does he look at Ukraine as his legacy for the future.  This blog has been worried for the past few days that Putin will use WMD either in East Ukraine or hit a NATO Country, Putin want a Summit with Biden, he wants to deal with Ukraine as past US and USSR Presidents dealt with crisis's during the Cold War period, thus hitting a NATO Country is not out a out there idea.  The Kremlin thinks that Putin can push Biden to let him keep East Ukraine and keep Ukraine out of NATO.  The problem is that Biden is in as much political trouble as the UK Prime Minister, his approval ratings have gone in to the sewer, he cannot afford another major political crisis, thus a US and Russian Summit could make things worse.  This is going to be a LONG WAR, many more deaths over many months. 

Monday, June 06, 2022

PM Boris Johnson Survives No Confidence Vote - After Brexit

Sky News: Reports on the actual figures from the No Confidence vote, " Some 211 MPs voted for the prime minister, compared to 148 votes against - a majority of 63.  "

Lets Get Real:

Both BBC News and Sky News have stated that the PM did not match the level of support that PM May got in 2018, it does not matter, the PM is safe for another year, and those that voted against the PM and stated so will be closely inspected by the Chief Whip, the PM should appoint a Chief Whip who puts the FEAR of God in to MPs, the Chief Whip should tell them, that the PM expects absolute loyalty when it comes to a 3 line whip, otherwise the MPs WONT have to worry about the next election, they will find that the Whip has been removed from them, that means they cannot stand as a Conservative Candidate in the election, they can stand by themselves, a few Anti Brexit MPs did that in 2019 after they were thrown out of the Party by Boris.  They LOST.  Thus MPs need a new Chief Whip, in the shape of FU from the UK House of Cards, and man to but a whip about and to make sure MPs follow the line.  Also the so called experts are missing one point, PM Boris is not PM May, and the PM can throw things at the WALL and make them stick, and force un - loyal MPs to vote for them, such as overriding the Northern Ireland Protocol and Tax cuts next year, Boris is hurt but not finished, history can repeat itself but also at the end of the day they are different cases.  PM has more political lives than a cat or a Time Lord.