Thursday, June 30, 2022

Snake Ireland back under Ukraine Control - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The only reason that Russia would leave Snake Island is that they were pushed out  of the Island and most of their new troops are fighting and winning in the Donbas, the Russia PR has shown that it has been very effective IN RUSSIA.  The Russia people really believe they are the good guys and that the KYIV Government are new neo Nazi's, one would like to think that those Russians that are up on I.T would be able to get REAL NEWS from the West.  Thus far there have been no mass demonstrations in the streets against the Putin Regime, it seems that the Regime has placed enough fear on the streets that the people are afraid to ACT against Putin.  The EVIL EMPIRE has gone, thanks to Reagan and Thatcher, while the new EVIL REGIME is still running Russia, the Russian people MUST ACT, this WAR in the Ukraine can only END when either the West wins or Putin does, if Putin wins we could be on the road to WW3.

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