CNN - Asia: Reports the following on the North Korean Crisis, " the U.S. Navy was moving a warship and a sea-based radar platform closer to the North Korean coast in order to monitor that country's military moves, including possible new missile launches.. ".
Lets Get Real:
This cool response by the Oval has shown how empty the words are out of North Korea, the Oval has allowed the US to have bombers drills over South Korea and now with this move by the US Navy it sends a clear message to the North that it past practice of blackmail will not work. The US allies in the region, South Korea and Japan will feel safer that the US has placed muscle behind its rhetoric. The present crisis is over folks, in less the North is bluffing and they invade an South Korean Island with the next few hours or days, if this did happen it would be a massive mistake, the South Korea Armed Forces have been give order to react, thus a limited attack by the North could lead to a regional War folks. Given what we have out of North Korea it can be judged that this crisis is over, none the less the US should keep its forces on alert, lets not give a weak impression, lets not have a war by mistake.