Sunday, June 12, 2022

Iran CLOSE to getting the BOMB - Middle East - Biden's other problem - Iran

Mail on Sunday: Reports " Iran is 'dangerously' close to completing its Nuclear weapons programme, Israeli prime minister Bennett warns "

Lets Get Real:

This is a new warning from the new Israeli PM, Israel has made it clear that it cannot allow IRAN to get the bomb, it will take action, as it did in 1981 with Iraq and 2007 with Syria.  A nuclear armed Iran is a threat to the existence of the Jewish State of Israel.  Thus one hopes the Biden Oval is keeping a close eye on Iran, it also has to deal with the WAR in Ukraine, the Biden Oval cannot allow Russia to win in the Donbas, if they do Putin Kremlin will absorb the South East of Ukraine in to Russia, and then what happens, the WAR goes on and there is a chance that Russia could threaten other EU or NATO States.  Thus Biden has three tricky problems to deal with, all could cause WORLD WAR 3. At least Iran, North Korea and China have not formed an alliance, what if North Korea has another illegal nuclear test, Iran gets the bomb and China try's to take over Taiwan, ALL at the same TIME, it would be a nightmare for the Biden Oval. 

Are the Northern Ireland Protocol CHANGES LEGAL ? - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The sole interest of this blog is that the UNION of the UK works, if the House of Commons agrees to these changes, see previous post, then that is LAW, the international consequences does not bother this blog.  This is the reason that the UK voted in 2016 to leave the EU, the House of Commons will decide this, not some lawyers that the lefts always picks, and not the UK Court, the UK Courts have gotten out of hand, they should follow UK LAW, not make law up as they do in the United States, see posts on abortion.  This is a chance to preserve the Union of the UK and Northern Ireland, the consequences on the World Stage be dammed.  If the changes is gains the approval of the people of the province and gets the Unionists back in to the Northern Ireland Assembly so let it be.  The Labour Party and the those in the Opposition are more interested in bowing down to the  EU, PM Boris does not, that is the reason he won in 2019. 

Northern Ireland Protocol Update - Monday - After Brexit

My favourite subject, Brexit and its consequences:

BBC News: Reports " New legislation to change post-Brexit trade arrangements will not break international law, the Northern Ireland secretary has said.....The UK government is due to publish legislation on Monday that would allow ministers to override parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol.  "

Lets Get Real:

Thus the PM Boris is finally taking on the thorny issue of the Northern Ireland Protocol, the UK Government has simplified the problem, ALL goods going to the Northern Ireland will not face any paperwork, it would be easy to send bread from London to Manchester, those that want their products to enter the EU will have to go through the EU process and paperwork, it is simple and everyone knows were they stand.  The move will force those that oppose the PM to come out in the open, and the PM can withdraw the WHIP, that means they cannot stand as a Conservative MP in their seat, they can stand as a Independent, let's see how many of those brave MPs who opposed the PM in the No confidence vote actually vote to end their political careers.  Of course the WET REMAINERS, will have to vote against, thus the same result, they get thrown out of the Party.  It will be in the lows tens, they still want to be a MPs after 2024.   10 Downing Street needs a tough CHIEF WHIP, who puts the fear of God in MPs, high or low.