Thursday, August 13, 2015

New Labour vs. Old Labour - Post 2015 Election

Lets Get Real:

The old New Labour hands have started to make their presence felt, that is good, they have to use every tactic in the book to prevent Jeremy Corbyn becoming leader, a Corbyn win would mean that the UK did not have a real opposition, the general voter will laugh at a Corbyn leadership, it would be for Labour the return to the opposition years of the early 1980s.   Corbyn wants to retaken the railways back under public control, take over business, regulate the private sector so it does not work.  Also he wants a closer link with Russia, the end of NATO, you get the idea voter.   As a Conservative blog this blogger wants Corbyn to win, the Conservative Party will then not have to worry in till 2025.

More on the Clinton email scandal - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Will the Obama Department of Justice throw the book at Hillary Clinton, no way, if she was a Republican they would, but this is their NEXT Queen, the expected Democrat nominee, the Democrats play Chicago hardball, expect nothing more after the FBI gets its hands on the Clinton server, they will slow walk the investigation.    By the time they are finished either Clinton will be POTUS or she would have lost, either way the file will be closed.   This blog lives in the real world, hardball politics is just business its not personal.

The Clinton Email Scandal - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

IF VP Biden wants to get in to the 2016 race this would be the time, the Clinton Campaign is under a cloud, its faces a tough fight from the left in the shape of Senator Sanders, the VP could be the back up choice, a safe pair of hands, who would have thought you would say that about Biden, as long as he keeps his gaffes in the low number and acts Presidential, he could get the nomination.  Interesting days if your a Democrat.