Telegraph - Live Blog: Reports in its 6.27pm post the following, " Police chief: we believe threat came from "closer to home"..Chief Beck says that while the threat was routed through an IP address in Germany, authorities believe it came from "a lot closer to home". "
Lets Get Real:
Given the present information and the lack of actual terrorist material found this blog would take the risk and say this threat to LA schools was a hoax, of course if terrorist material is found this blog would revoke that estimation, but thus far there seems little risk to say that the terror threat against LA Schools was a hoax, the question is WHO and WHY, it could be a fan of Homeland, or it could be the terrorists checking out to see how the State would react. They day we allow terrorists to win a new cycle, is a bad day, thus the West as stated in this blog has to take down Daesh, they are a threat to the Western secular values of the West.