White House: Reports on the readout of a call between POTUS and the President of the Ukraine, " President Biden spoke today with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine about the ongoing work by the United States and its allies and partners to deliver military, economic, and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and to impose severe costs on Russia for its brutal aggression against Ukraine. The leaders discussed how the United States is working around the clock to fulfill the main security assistance requests by Ukraine, the critical effects those weapons have had on the conflict, and continued efforts by the United States with allies and partners to identify additional capabilities to help the Ukrainian military defend its country. In addition, President Biden informed President Zelenskyy that the United States intends to provide the Ukrainian government with $500 million in direct budgetary aid. He also reviewed the additional sanctions and humanitarian assistance announced last week. President Zelenskyy updated President Biden on the status of Ukraine’s negotiations with Russia. "
Lets Get Real:
As long as the West, in this case the US supports the KYIV Government in all of its needs the Russians can never win, of course the problem is that you cannot trust the word of the Russians, they have stated that they saw nothing new in the talks happening in Turkey and also they have increased the bombing of the towns in the Ukraine. Does Putin have the will and backbone to go all the way, that is the real worry, will he use WMD in Ukraine, and should he do that what will be the reaction of the US, NATO and how will the people of Russia feel about going over that red line, there is no way Putin could keep that a secret, in this modern age. One can postulate that even POTUS knows that if Russia goes over that line, that POTUS would have to react, a European War is one thing, the Russians using, WMD, in the form of chemicals or nuclear would make the Biden Oval and 10 Downing Street react, the question is what they will do and is that threat been made clear to Putin and Kremlin officials. The WAR of attrition will take time, while that is going on, the Russian economy is in the toilet and the people of Russia will feel like they have become the number one rogue nation on the planet, will they support that over the long term, and the sanctions will hit hard over the days, weeks and months. Also the Russian Army has shown itself to be inept, will the young men and women of Russia answer the draft call, for a war that is going very bad, just think of the protests in the US during the Vietnam War, also people injured in the War will start to come back, their stories will be heard even is whispers in Russia. A bad war led to the end of the Imperial Russia and the death of Tsar Nicholas 11 and his family, will Putin risk that, or has has lost the plot? .